Archive by year: 2013Return
12:00 PM: Mission Moment with Sr. Mark

12:00 PM: Mission Moment with Sr. Mark

“Publishers Notes” by Sr. Mary Mark Wickenheiser, Publisher of Pauline Books and Media Welcome, and thank you for joining us!During these days of our webathon novena, we have highlighted the activities of each of the apostolic sectors dedicated to our publishing ministry. And you are right if you guessed that there is a lot of activity that goes on. There certainly is, and the heart and driving force behind that activity is love for God and love for humanity. Our patron, St...
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2:30 Apostolate Spotlight: Video

2:30 Apostolate Spotlight: Video

Sr. Mary Martha, our director of Marketing and Sales, wants to share with you the joy of our vocation and the love we all have for the mission entrusted to us—to bring the message of salvation to all people, using the means of social communication. What a great vocation is ours! We all feel the responsibility to embrace it with love and live it with joy. Each vocation is a discovery of life—a life that is hand picked, formed and pruned for the mission that Jesus has called us to live...
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7:00 PM Evening Prayer

7:00 PM Evening Prayer

We are almost at $25,000 as we begin our last Evening Prayer and Evening Bells together.For all who have contributed to our webathon we are so grateful. If anyone has been waiting to contribute, we ask you to consider making that decision now. It is thanks to people like you who join in the Pauline mission with us that people 24/7 are finding God's love in books and music and videos, on iPads and Kindles and smartphones.... Today we have reflected on Life, which can have many meanings. Jesu...
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10:00 PM Evening Bells

10:00 PM Evening Bells

As we pray at the time of the Evening Bells, we ask of Jesus the grace to be communicators prayer and mission...all of us carrying out the very important work of spreading throughout the world the fragrance of Christ. As we retire this evening you are in our prayers in a very special way. Your loved ones have already been entered into the enrollment for the Novena of Masses in November for the deceased friends of the community. And the Senior Sisters pray the rosary daily for you a...
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9:00 AM    Prayer to Start the Day

9:00 AM Prayer to Start the Day

Welcome to the eighth day of our Journey of Discovery novena!Today our journey seeks to discover beauty through art. With Sr. Lea as our guide, we will later explore the graphic arts and design departments where Pauline publications are conceived and illustrated.Silent Prayer and Contemplation With Blessed John Henry Newman I pray:I have a mission. I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons. God has not created me for naught.Therefore I will trust him. Whatever, wherever I am, ...
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12:00 PM: Mission Moment with Sr. Mark

12:00 PM: Mission Moment with Sr. Mark

“Publishers Notes” by Sr. Mary Mark Wickenhiser, Publisher of Pauline Books and Media  Welcome and thank you for joining us!Our design and artistic sector here at Pauline Books and Media is where a manuscript—words on paper—takes on flesh, so to speak, becoming a message that appeals in both format and style.     From the artists who create colorful illustrations for our children’s books, to the sisters/staff who select the typeface or ...
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2:30 Apostolate Spotlight: Video

2:30 Apostolate Spotlight: Video

Welcome to our Graphic Arts department. Today Sr. Mary Lea will help us to discover beauty through Art. The paintbrush in the hands of a consecrated woman brings out a beauty and artistic message that persons of all creeds and cultures can read. The creative artistic works flowing out from this department are transformed into a powerful message directed to a wide audience. With the new forms of computer science, the members of the design team are learning new ways to use their artistic skil...
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7:00 PM Evening Prayer

7:00 PM Evening Prayer

Thank you for joining us on this eighth day of our webathon, Journey of Discovery Novena. Our particular focus this day has been the discovery of beauty. If you have not given during this week, please prayerfully consider a donation today.When contemplating beauty in image—whether photographic, digital, woven, sculpted or painted—we are drawn to the work of the Artist par excellence. Let us revel in the beauty of the world that our Creator has given us to enjoy and protect. This...
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10:00 PM Evening Bells

10:00 PM Evening Bells

Just yesterday, Pope Francis addressed the Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums and said about beauty, our theme for today, "In every age the Church upon the arts to give expression to the beauty of her faith and to proclaim the Gospel message of the grandeur of God's creation, the dignity of human beings made in his image and likeness, and the power of Christ's death and resurrection." Today Sr. Mary Lea Hill led us in discovering beauty through art as it is lived out in the Pauline ...
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What is Cinema Divina?

What is Cinema Divina?

What is Cinema Divina? By Sister Rose Pacatte Lectio DivinaCinema Divina is drawn from the ancient practice of lectio divina. This spiritual practice is a firm portal by which we can engage our noisy, over-stimulating, and technologically mediated world. Lectio divina, and by extension, cinema divina, can lead us to spiritual growth and sharing our light with the world.The basic principle of lectio divina is that it is an authentic encounter with God through the Scriptures. Lectio divina means s...
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