10:00 PM Evening Bells

10:00 PM Evening Bells

As we pray at the time of the Evening Bells, we ask of Jesus the grace to be communicators together...in prayer and mission...all of us carrying out the very important work of spreading throughout the world the fragrance of Christ. As we retire this evening you are in our prayers in a very special way. Your loved ones have already been entered into the enrollment for the Novena of Masses in November for the deceased friends of the community. And the Senior Sisters pray the rosary daily for you and for your special intentions. 

If you are considering being a part of this great apostolate through prayer or a financial contribution, we hope that you will consider making that contribution now. At Jesus's birth, it was the angels who sang, "Glory to God and peace to men of good will." The angels' envy us being able to continue their mission on earth today, proclaiming from the rooftops through radio, image, text, and sound that God is with us. We hope that you will join us in continuing the angels' mission. 


With each donation you too share in the work of the sisters, and become apostles of evangelization. Remember that any intentions you submit with your contribution will be placed in our chapel near the altar of St Paul. Your prayer requests will be lifted up to God by all the sisters during our daily Mass and holy hour of prayer.

Silent Prayer and Contemplation

Lord, bless all who have contributed to your work
 of spreading the Gospel of Love
through selfless giving today.

May they experience your grace and peace,
because those who support the apostles
will in turn receive an apostle’s reward!  Amen.

We thank you for joining us throughout these nine days of novena and pray that your life has been enriched. We are most grateful for your support of our mission, and ask God’s abundant blessings on you through your daily journey of discovering God’s awesome gifts of Hope and Love.





Day 9
