Archive by year: 2020Return
The promise of Christmas: We are not alone

The promise of Christmas: We are not alone

On Tuesdays during Advent we’ve been sharing the story of the Little Drummer Boy, through both the film version and the carol that inspired it. And now as we celebrate the Christmas season, it’s a good time to think about what it means for us going forward into a new year… and the rest of our lives.In the film version of the story, the boy’s heart, his fears and bitter memories, his hatred and loneliness melted as he looked upon the newborn King. And us? We’ve amas...
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Why Catholics Ask Mary's Intercession

Why Catholics Ask Mary's Intercession

A few years ago I went to see the tall ships that were visiting Boston harbor. On my way home I stopped at Saint Anthony’s Shrine downtown. As I was walking toward it I noticed a tall, thin man hanging around in front of the church, sort of huddled into a corner wall. Though he looked around furtively through his black-rimmed glasses and seemed a bit timid, he didn't appear to be begging. True to my New York upbringing, I began to walk quickly past, pretending not to notice. As I went ...
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A new Bible for children: The Four Gospels for Young Catholics

A new Bible for children: The Four Gospels for Young Catholics

Couldn’t we all use a little good news right now? That’s why we’re so excited about our newest Bible for children ages 8-11, The Four Gospels for Young Catholics. The word gospel means good news, and the Gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John contain the best news of all: God loves us so much that he sent Jesus to save us. With this book, children can journey alongside Mary and the apostles as they get to know Jesus in the stories of his birth, life, death and resurrection. &nb...
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New Book Study - Saints Alive: The Gospel Witnessed - starting September 16

New Book Study - Saints Alive: The Gospel Witnessed - starting September 16

We have started to do book studies via Zoom, and these book studies are blessing folks left and right! I am excited to announce that we will be starting a new book study on SAINTS ALIVE: THE GOSPEL WITNESSED. We are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses and we are so oblivious sometimes! SAINTS ALIVE is going to help us get in touch with our holy brothers and sisters through 30 fantastic stories of dramatic moments of grace. Each story is compelling and speaks to our lives today in the situati...
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Why these saints matter

Why these saints matter

The following is excerpted from our new book 16 Black Saints and Advocates for Social Justice by Marie Paul Curley, FSP, Mary Lea Hill, FSP, Allison Gliot, FSP, Marianne Lorraine Trouvé, FSP, and edited by Mary Leonora Wilson, FSP.In proposing saints as our models of life, the Church wants to encourage us to follow their example of virtue in order to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus himself is our primary model, the Way, the Truth, and the Life for all of us. But in the saints ...
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"I was born to comment" - Sr Mary Lea Hill, FSP

"I was born to comment" - Sr Mary Lea Hill, FSP

by Sr Mary Lea Hill, FSP, Author Complaints of the SaintsWell, I did have a book on this topic in mind for quite a while. Complaining is such a natural topic for me to cover. I feel I was born to comment on the obviously off-kilter that is all around in everyday life. ⁠⁠I have always maintained that complaints are really necessary social commentary. And I’m a master at this, long practiced. As for it being my memoirs, I guess it is in a kind of unraveled way. If you read through all my b...
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Holiness, One Day at a Time

Holiness, One Day at a Time

Aspiring to holiness often seems a never-ending project. One step forward and two steps back, right? So many things seem to interfere, to get in the way, to draw one away from the goal; at least that’s the way it frequently feels to me.Which is one of the many reasons I turn to St. Ignatius, whose feast we celebrate today. Many saints had struggles with conforming their lives to the Gospel, but some of Ignatius’ struggles truly resonate with me. (I love the word resonate: it fee...
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Complaining with the Best of Them!

Complaining with the Best of Them!

I'm a complainer by trade, and I'm always looking for ways to better my craft. Do I hear you saying that I should simply stop complaining? Thanks, but that wouldn't be bettering anything; it would only be eliminating something. May I suggest that anyone with a character hang-up like this (better known as "a defect") finds it not just difficult, but nearly impossible to change. Why? It's a bit of early learned reaction, perhaps an innate way of expression, a defense...
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Sister Thea: Her voice and soul still speak of God's universal love

Sister Thea: Her voice and soul still speak of God's universal love

The Daughters of St Paul are re-releasing two albums sung by Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA. Songs of My People: The Complete Collection is being made digitally available to a new generation. Fr Maurice Nutt, C.Ss.R., who was Sr Thea's student and "spiritual son" and who is working for the advancement of Thea's cause for canonization in the diocese of Jackson, Mississippi, likes to think of it as a revival."Sr Thea preached the good news of a Church revived, and w...
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How Less Can Be More

How Less Can Be More

(The Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development has announced the celebration of a Special “Laudato Si” Anniversary Year from May 24, 2020 to May 24, 2021. With the advent of the Covid-19 emergency, the world came to realize how interdependent and interconnected humanity is, and the need for solidarity in order to create a new world.)Think about what you own. Really think about it. Close your eyes and take a tour of your house, of your garage, of your office, of ...
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