New Book Study - Saints Alive: The Gospel Witnessed - starting September 16

New Book Study - Saints Alive: The Gospel Witnessed - starting September 16

We have started to do book studies via Zoom, and these book studies are blessing folks left and right! I am excited to announce that we will be starting a new book study on SAINTS ALIVE: THE GOSPEL WITNESSED. We are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses and we are so oblivious sometimes! SAINTS ALIVE is going to help us get in touch with our holy brothers and sisters through 30 fantastic stories of dramatic moments of grace. Each story is compelling and speaks to our lives today in the situations we find ourselves in. 

Whether you enjoy reading a book and discussing it each week with a group of people online, or you read the book on your own and download the recordings to listen to them at your leisure, these book studies are a great way to combine story and good conversations. And you don’t even have to wear your mask for our weekly rendezvous!

Would you like to join me?

You will need access to a computer and will need to download Zoom. But don’t worry, I’ve tutored others on this, I can help you too.

We meet Wednesday nights, 7:00 PM CST. If you can’t be present, we can still send you the recorded group discussions from the Zoom meetings. We will start on September 16, 2020…and you can take part.  Future saint, get your book and register now, this is the help you have been waiting for!

Register now so you will be ready to start on September 16.

To be part of our SAINTS ALIVE book study group, you need to basically do two things:

  1. Get the book (either paperback or e-book)
  2. Register for the SAINTS ALIVE: THE GOSPEL WITNESSED book study

How do you do that? Email me at and write SAINTS ALIVE: THE GOSPEL WITNESSED book study in the subject line. I will connect with you about the cost of mailing you the book and registration ($28.00 for everything). If you already have the book, great! Let me know in your email and I will take care of registering you. Or if you need to ask more questions, email me or call (504) 887-7631 between 10 am and 5 pm CST, Monday through Saturday.

[If you are outside of the US and not close to an English-language Pauline Book & Media Center, it may be best for you to get an E-book to get your book in time.]

Our SAINTS ALIVE: THE GOSPEL WITNESSED book study will run from September 16th to Dec. 9th. Whether you join me every Wednesday or can only make it to a few, I pray that it will be a blessing and a help to you on your path to a deeper faith life in Christ.

Thank you for all you do to grow in love of our beautiful Catholic faith, share it, and live it in your corner of the world. You are a blessing to me and all of us with your love and your faithfulness. Sometimes I  grow weary in the daily struggle, but then I remember what my dear friend Sr. Carmen Christi once told me, “Jesus can’t take His eyes off of you and delights in your every desire to love Him, serve Him and please Him.” Yes, always remember that! The LORD sees everything and loves us so much! May you grow in patient endurance, in peace, and joy as you make new steps this week to follow the LORD.

Gratefully in Jesus Master,
Sr. Mary Martha, fsp





Saints, Living the Faith Today, Inspiration
