2:30 Apostolate Spotlight: Video

2:30 Apostolate Spotlight: Video

Welcome to our Graphic Arts department. 

Today Sr. Mary Lea will help us to discover beauty through Art. The paintbrush in the hands of a consecrated woman brings out a beauty and artistic message that persons of all creeds and cultures can read. The creative artistic works flowing out from this department are transformed into a powerful message directed to a wide audience. With the new forms of computer science, the members of the design team are learning new ways to use their artistic skills. With your offerings we can update their “artistic tools” to be instruments that more efficiently transmit religious art that can touch the hearts of the young, the old and the “not so old.” Enjoy this tour of our graphics art department! 



It is said that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Let these artistic “words” sensitize us to the beauty that is around us and within us.  

This department is desperately in need of updated computers and software, so that the quality of our images, as well as the speed and efficiency of production, can meet the standards of the media world. Help us to fulfill the staff’s dream for efficient and effective equipment that will facilitate their mission of evangelizing through art.

In appreciation of the good works of the Daughters of St. Paul, I want to share in the joy of making a difference in the life of another person by donating now.


As I have been inspired by the Beauty expressed through art, so too I feel called to inspire others to appreciate the way in which beautiful art can enrich a relationship with Jesus Christ. For this purpose, I will make my contribution now.


One of our Sister Artists Shares:

In my life journey I have discovered a vocation within a vocation. How grateful I am to God for calling me to live and serve Him as a Daughter of Saint Paul, putting to use the gift He gave me! Within my vocation as a consecrated religious, I have also been given the vocation to be an artist. To have been given the vision and the means of expression that are able to cross language and cultural boundaries. Working at Pauline Books & Media every day, I reach hundreds, even thousands, of people with the Gospel message without even leaving home. And I carry each one of them in my heart though I never meet them. May everyone come to know the Eternal God who in His faithful love is the source of abundant life.

Bless you,
Sr. Mary Joseph

In gratitude for my own personal gifts and the gifts of others, and above all to enable artistic gifts to be used for the greater glory of God, I would like to offer this donation today.

We are illuminated by the spirit of  Rebecca Stuhff, the illustrator of The Queen and the Cross: the Story of Saint Helen:

Rebecca shares with us: "I was interested in this book because it was a subject I had never illustrated before.  At first I was concerned about needing to portray Queen Helen as elderly and how her character would look.  But it was fun and challenging to come up with an appealing design not only for her, but also for the rest of the characters and scenes in the book.”

Also she remembers her Dad, who recently passed away, as being wonderful and supportive of her.  “He would tell me that being an artist was wonderful because it is an act of creation.  I am able to create things that have never existed before, which is exciting.  I also feel my artistic gift gives me a responsibility to put good things into the world”.

In thanksgiving for those who have encouraged me to do what may have seemed almost impossible and to discover beauty around me and within me—I would like to make a donation now.



This short reflection was shared by one of our authors regarding the art work used to illustrate her book “When Parents Divorce or Separate”:

I am overwhelmed by the talent at Pauline Books & Media, and so grateful for all the care going into the launching of this book!

Again, a million thanks.
Lynn Cassella-Kapusinski, MS, NCC

In appreciation for those persons who see the beauty of art as a means for making God’s message of salvation more vibrant and appealing, I would like to offer this donation today.

Return here at 7:00 pm to join us for Evening Prayer!




Day 8
