10:00 PM Evening Bells

10:00 PM Evening Bells

Just yesterday, Pope Francis addressed the Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums and said about beauty, our theme for today, "In every age the Church upon the arts to give expression to the beauty of her faith and to proclaim the Gospel message of the grandeur of God's creation, the dignity of human beings made in his image and likeness, and the power of Christ's death and resurrection." 

Today Sr. Mary Lea Hill led us in discovering beauty through art as it is lived out in the Pauline mission. Your support of our mission helps make our books beautiful, because beauty attracts the soul, and ultimately leads each person to God. This journey often begins simply...a person is attracted by the cover of a book, opens and reads, and God's grace does the rest.

We have almost reached $20,000 and by tomorrow night I'm sure we'll be there. We are humbly grateful for all who have shared with us their prayers and their financial support. 

Silent Prayer and Contemplation

Lord, bless all who have contributed to your work
 of spreading the Gospel of Love
through selfless giving today.
May they experience your grace and peace,
because those who support the apostles
will in turn receive an apostle’s reward!  Amen.

See you in the morning! Tomorrow, our last day of the novena, we will share with you the beauty of our life as Daughters of St. Paul.






Day 8
