So let's check in. Are you ready for Advent? (Me, neither.)

So let's check in. Are you ready for Advent? (Me, neither.)

So let's get organized together! No doubt your children and grandchildren have long lists of toys and electronics they'd love to receive from you for Christmas, but let's slow down a little and think about Advent first. Because in a real sense, Advent is for you. It's your time to ready your home and your heart for the coming of the Christ Child.

What would help you? I have a few suggestions:

  • Advent Christmas Grace gives you the opportunity to turn to God in Scripture every day through this thoughtful lectio divina, with meditations that are both brief and meaningful.
  • Pray to Your Father in Secret is a spiritual classic that draws you gently and wondrously into prayer.
  • Reclaim Regret will help you see your past as a doorway into the future and leave you amazed at God's love for you.

Consider bringing one of these books into your heart and into your home this Advent, and remember that there's free shipping through December 8th.

Now, about those kids and grandkids... of course they need to receive something they really want, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't also give them something foundational, something that will help them move through life confident that God is by their side.

  • For the littlest ones, we have a special Jesus, Mary, and Joseph set of board books that will make them feel at home with the Holy Family.
  • We're especially proud of our Encounter the Saints series, where children can meet these heroes of the Christian life, including the stories of Thomas Aquinas, Catherine Labouré, Claire of Assisi, John Paul II, Edith Stein, and many more.
  • For teens, we have great Catholic fiction, including the story of the real King Wenceslas, as well as stories of daring escapes and finding oneself and one's heart.

And remember, no matter how many books you order, you'll have free shipping until December 8th. So why wait? Take care of the fundamentals now... and decorate the tree later!




