9:00 AM    Prayer to Start the Day

9:00 AM Prayer to Start the Day

Welcome to the eighth day of our Journey of Discovery novena!

Today our journey seeks to discover beauty through art. With Sr. Lea as our guide, we will later explore the graphic arts and design departments where Pauline publications are conceived and illustrated.

Silent Prayer and Contemplation

With Blessed John Henry Newman I pray:

I have a mission.
I am a link in a chain,
a bond of connection between persons.
God has not created me for naught.
Therefore I will trust him.
Whatever, wherever I am, I can never be thrown away.
God does nothing in vain.

He knows what he is about.

In union with my Lord and through the inspiration of Blessed John Henry Newman, I give of myself an offering as an expression of mission and my bond of connection with those in need by donating now.

Return here at 12:00 pm to join us for a Mission Moment!




Day 8
