Archive by year: 2013Return
Sing to the Lord a New Song

Sing to the Lord a New Song

The creation of the world and the making of history are not left to chance alone. The mysterious God, whom or minds cannot comprehend, is behind all that has happened and in control of all that will happen in the future. As Psalm 96 proclaims: “He is king. The world is established and will never be moved; he will judge the peoples with righteousness and the peoples with his truth.”
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Praise the Lord My Soul

Praise the Lord My Soul

Psalm 104 invites us to look at nature and praise the God who created everything; not just by ourselves, but with every living creature including the trees, the water and clouds. The Psalmist exhorts us to be drawn into the praise and thanksgiving of everything we contemplate with our touch, taste, sight and smell, then join in one chorus the song unending to the living God.
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Like the Deer that Yearns

Like the Deer that Yearns

The Psalmist gives us an idea of his Hope in the Lord, and it is strong, robust. His hope knows how to endure strife, but the Psalmist is sure that with divine help he will return to the place where he can best worship the Lord. As we pray this psalm, let us remember that our hope must be secure in the Lord. Pope Francis has said: “Hope has a name: it is Jesus. Hope (Jesus) does not disappoint us, because Jesus is faithful.”
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St. Paul’s Song to Christ Jesus

St. Paul’s Song to Christ Jesus

In the light of this Canticle of St. Paul, we understand that after following Jesus through trial and suffering, the dawn of a new era has risen. It is the “new covenant” is not only between the Lord and Israel, but a sacred covenant between the Lord and all nations. In breathless adoration the children of God bend low before Jesus Christ because they have received a new spirit…the Spirit of God himself.
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Lord Jesus Teach Me

Lord Jesus Teach Me

The Bible helps us begin our day remembering the wonders God has wrought, then offers us the voice to give a response of faith. God entrusts the whole universe to us frail creatures, and it is our glory. In that glory, however the Lord wants us to overcome a test of temptation so we might receive an eternal reward.
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How Lovely are the Courts of the Lord

How Lovely are the Courts of the Lord

Here is a Psalm of Pilgrimage for us to contemplate…the homeland of those who live with God and dwell in his holy Temple in peace. They have chosen righteousness over the ways of evil and have gained light, life and joy living in the house of God. Truly this represents a journey of faith undertaken by those who desire to reach the heavenly Jerusalem, our eternal home.
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In the Shadow of Your Wings

In the Shadow of Your Wings

St. Paul reflects the words of these psalms when he writes to the Romans: “the spirit prays with sighs too deep” in the heart of one who calls upon the Spirit of God to pray with him or her. “In the shadow of your wings” is a prayer of hope and faith…a God given power to believe. Ask the Lord to fan your faith into a flame so the Spirit of God might pray with and in you. Ask for the desire to serve the Blessed Trinity wholeheartedly in this life and be with him in the next.
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You have Searched Me Lord

You have Searched Me Lord

Life can have many meanings. Jesus told us that he came so we could have abundant life…not only physical life, but spiritual life everlasting. Remember the Lord’s goodness in loving each of us to life, and ask him to shed light on the life of the spirit in everyone of good will. Pray to live as his true disciple, loving and serving him in others.
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Love Answers Prayers

Love Answers Prayers

by Sr. Marie Paul Curley This week I celebrated my birthday. But this year, my birthday joy was mixed with the discomfort of transition and adjustment.  I transferred from Toronto to Boston earlier this month—from a small community of six sisters to a large community of about 80 sisters. The move, the initial settling in, the demands of my new departments, the effort to “catch up” to many projects already started (like our webathon)—all this “newness” has made for a beautiful but challeng...
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9:00 AM    Prayer to Start the Day

9:00 AM Prayer to Start the Day

Welcome to the ninth and last day of our Journey of Discovery novena!Thanks to your generosity our webathon is approaching the $25,000 mark which we are hoping to reach today. We’re entrusting this last day to the intercession of St. Joseph since Wednesday is the day on which he is traditionally honored.Sr. Martha will be our guide today on the final lap of our journey of discovery. She will share insights and glimpses into the life and mission of a Daughter of St. Paul. As women apostles ...
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