9:00 AM    Prayer to Start the Day

9:00 AM Prayer to Start the Day

Welcome to the ninth and last day of our Journey of Discovery novena!

Thanks to your generosity our webathon is approaching the $25,000 mark which we are hoping to reach today. We’re entrusting this last day to the intercession of St. Joseph since Wednesday is the day on which he is traditionally honored.

Sr. Martha will be our guide today on the final lap of our journey of discovery. She will share insights and glimpses into the life and mission of a Daughter of St. Paul. As women apostles of Jesus Christ, living in this twenty-first century, we have some unique challenges as well as opportunities. She will highlight these and offer some exciting possibilities for partnering with us in mission.



Silent Prayer and Contemplation

With the Sisters I pray:

Holy Spirit, Spouse of the Virgin, as you descended upon Mary and the apostles gathered in prayer, so be with us, the new apostles of our day. May our hearts be open to follow where the Lord leads and sends us. Help us to place our personal gifts at the service of your Gospel, so that whatever God asks, be it prayer, work or suffering, I will do it wholeheartedly, aware that I am fulfilling my own apostolic vocation within the Church and am being sent in its name. Amen.

In union with my Lord and in community with the ministry of the Daughters of St. Paul, I, like Christ’s apostles, give of myself at the service of the Gospel. I do this by donating now.



Return here at 12:00 pm to join us for a Mission Moment!





Day 9
