Archive by year: 2014Return
Mary's Secret of Joy

Mary's Secret of Joy

May is a great time for thinking about decisions and futures. We celebrate ordinations, graduations, weddings…. We honor what has been achieved in people’s lives or our own, and we turn our eyes toward the next stage of our journey in life, whatever it may be.It is a wonderful blessing to us all that in the month of May we reflect on Mary, a woman who had to make a very important decision when she was probably just in her teenage years. She shows us the courageous spirit that makes decision-ma...
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Six Steps to Knowing What God Desires of You

Six Steps to Knowing What God Desires of You

In mid-life a certain question begins to nag us a little more often than it might have before: Am I doing God’s will? Have I found my mission in life? Or more simply: Should I choose option A or option B? How do I know what God wants of me in this or that situation?A woman came to me many years ago after I had given a talk, asking for help in making a decision for a career change. We only had an hour, but I agreed to sit down and speak with her. She had a grandson in the prison system, and duri...
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Come Out of Ourselves to Become Christ

Come Out of Ourselves to Become Christ

A sacrament is an outward sign instituted by God to give grace. That’s the definition I memorized as a little girl. As a child I knew of seven sacraments of the Church. As I matured I learned that you and I could be “sacraments” to others in as much as we allow Jesus to work in and through us. The more we empty ourselves of our self, the more we allow Jesus to work in us. This coming out of ourselves or self-emptying allows us to be signs of God’s love and presence to those around us. I want...
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Who Says You Have to Fix the World?

Who Says You Have to Fix the World?

Remember when, about four years ago, conservative Glenn Beck equated social justice with Communism, advising Christians to leave their churches if they ever heard the words uttered there? “If you have a priest that is pushing social justice, go find another parish. Go alert your bishop.” Yet, the Church has had a body of teaching on social justice for almost 125 years. Evidently pundit Beck didn’t get that memo. People tire of hearing the words “social justice,” especially in connection wit...
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Irreplaceable: A Unique Documentary About the Family

Irreplaceable: A Unique Documentary About the Family

A beautiful documentary about the importance of the family, co-produced by Focus on the Family with many Christian and Catholic filmmakers and experts, has a one-day, one-time theatrical evening showing in mainstream theaters: Tuesday, May 6th in the USA, and Wednesday, May 7th in Canada. The film is not rated; Focus on the Family recommends it for teens 15 and older because topics such as sexuality and family issues may be spoken about too explicitly for children. From the film's webs...
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“Jesus Is Right There With You”

“Jesus Is Right There With You”

Scarcely two weeks have passed since I assisted a dying woman. This was not the first time, but each time the experience is new and personal.  I watched her as she lay there, unable to open her eyes or to speak, her breathing labored. I gazed on her face, attentive for signs of what she might be experiencing. My heart ached each time she moaned in pain. Family and friends surrounded her; I was glad that she would not make this journey alone. She had been lonely much of her 85 years: th...
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Te Deum Laudamus!

Te Deum Laudamus!

"O God, we praise you!"This is the sentiment in my heart at having the privilege to witness (via the media) the canonizations of two saintly popes. I was listening to Father Robert Barron's updates from Rome, and he called the current era "the golden age of the Popes." What a blessing for us Catholics to have the encouragement and strength of popes so open to the Holy Spirit, and what a gift our holy Pope-Saints have been to the world!It's a deep personal joy for me to witness the world's r...
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Canonization Countdown: Day 1!

Canonization Countdown: Day 1!

Continuing the canonization countdown with Sr. Marie Paul Curley...Day 1: Tomorrow is the big day! I’m planning to rise early and watch the canonization “live” at 4 AM on the Vatican’s live stream site:, or on Catholic TV.The third “up close” encounter I shared with Pope John Paul II was truly up close and personal: I was graced to finally “meet” him. But when I met him, I  was in a place of great spiritual desolat...
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Theology Is For Every Body

Theology Is For Every Body

Sr. Helena’s Theology of the Body Is for Every Body WorkshopsTheology of the Body is John Paul II's life-changing teaching about what it means to be a human person,  the human body, love, beauty, relationships and sexuality. Sr. Helena has been involved in TOB since 2006.  Topics that Sr. Helena offers in this area are:"Theology of the Body Is for Every Body!" This workshop covers where Theology of the Body came from and why the world needs it so desperately today. It covers the ...
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Digital Catholics | Media and Faith

Digital Catholics | Media and Faith

Sr. Helena’s “Digital Catholics” Presentations on Media and FaithSr. Helena’s approach to media is that of Media Literacy. Sr. Helena has been involved in media all her life and believes that in today's digital world we need to be active and informed "Digital Catholics.”INTRODUCTION TO MEDIA LITERACYWhat does it mean to live in a media culture? What are the promises and challenges of today’s media content and technologies? How can you be a "media smart" f...
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