Archive by year: 2014Return
You Did WHAT on the Interstate???

You Did WHAT on the Interstate???

It was only supposed to be an eight hour trip, honest! Sr. Madonna and I had started the day with Mass and our Hour of Adoration at St. John Neumann Church in St. Charles, Illinois. At approximately 10 a.m. on Friday, May 30th, we then headed for Canfield, Ohio, where our brothers and priests of the Society of St. Paul would host us at the "half-way" point on our trip to Boston, our final destination (which would require another day of travel).The sun was shining, all systems go! This would be a...
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We Are Called To Nourish One Another

We Are Called To Nourish One Another

For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him. Just as the living Father sent me, and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me” (John 6:56-57). The Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) invites us to pause and reflect upon the gift of the Eucharist in our own lives. Our reception of the Eucharistic bread and wine is not a &ldqu...
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In the Eucharist Jesus Gave Us His Embrace

In the Eucharist Jesus Gave Us His Embrace

Are there days when the problems and the pain are so great you just “check out”? Maybe you go through the motions, even with a smile on your face, but inside you are numb? Perhaps you think, “I don’t want to be (a mother, a doctor, a nurse,  a teacher…) anymore. I could walk out on my job or my family or my friends today and not feel anything…. I’ll stay because I care, but I just don’t have anything left in me to give.” These moments, if we’re honest, have probably come to all of us. ...
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How to Make Your Marriage Last

How to Make Your Marriage Last

VIDEO: Marcel Lejeune, in the video below, talks about what it takes to make a marriage work. Lejeune works in campus ministry at Texas A&M and reflects on this topic in the light of his own experience and Saint John Paul II's theology of the body. 
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5 Tips for a Successful Relationship

5 Tips for a Successful Relationship

VIDEO: Marcel Lejeune, in the video below, shares tips and ideas on five things every couple can do to make their relationships more successful. Lejeune works in campus ministry at Texas A&M and reflects on this topic in the light of his own experience and Saint John Paul II's theology of the body.
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The True Meaning of Sex

The True Meaning of Sex

VIDEO: Marcel Lejeune, in the video below, talks about issues of sexuality and sexual identity. Lejeune works in campus ministry at Texas A&M and reflects on this topic in the light of Saint John Paul II's theology of the body  
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Why Not Contraception?

Why Not Contraception?

VIDEO: Marcel Lejeune, in the video below, talks about what the deeper meaning of sex, of love, and why ultimately contraception does not lead to happiness. Lejeune works in campus ministry at Texas A&M and reflects on this topic in the light of his own experience and Saint John Paul II's theology of the body. 
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The Holy Trinity in Our Life

The Holy Trinity in Our Life

The Trinity can seem so far removed from us. As little children our teachers may have used the three leaves of a shamrock to help us understand, “one God in three Divine Persons.” The Trinity is a mystery, but that doesn’t mean that our awareness of the Trinity needs to stop with the shamrock. Even though we can't understand this mystery, it is highly “practical,” meaning it has a very profound effect on how we live our life. I’d like to share with you a few stories I have encountered rega...
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Each Day We Can Begin Again

Each Day We Can Begin Again

I have always loved the Easter season, particularly the way it crescendos at the end, culminating in the feast of Pentecost.  Our community of the Daughters of St. Paul, and all the Pauline Family, have a special Marian feast that falls between the Ascension and Pentecost—the feast of Mary, Queen of Apostles. Mary is the mother, teacher, and queen of all those who are sent to bring the good news of Jesus to the world. In some images, she is depicted among the apostles as they are gathered in th...
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Light in Darkness: Superhero Movies

Light in Darkness: Superhero Movies

I’ve noticed something about movie titles lately. So many of them contain the word dark. The Dark Knight Rises, Thor: The Dark World, Star Trek: Into Darkness, Dark Shadows, Zero Dark Thirty. Others might not use the word but their subject matter is dark: Divergent, The Hunger Games franchise, even the recent Noah film. As Christian moviegoers, how do we stay focused on the light?John’s Gospel says, “The light shines in darkness and the darkness did not overcome it” (Jn 1:5). All of our live...
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