Archive by year: 2014Return
What Does the Body Say?

What Does the Body Say?

I love fresh air. I love anything that’s not confined, that flows freely, that refreshes with an unexpected twist and opens new horizons. That’s probably why I love the theology of the body. I have found that John Paul II's Theology of the Body is a very positive view of humanity: we are called to be Gift. It’s not really, in the end, about what we do. We are Gift and this gift includes fertility. In the theology of the body’s presentation of God’s language of love impressed on the human bo...
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The Body's Language of Love

The Body's Language of Love

Man and woman are two different ways of “being a body” in the image of God. Man and woman live their full masculine and feminine identity in relation to the “other,” complementary but not interchangeable, equal but not equivalent. We take up the daily task of overcoming selfishness in order to live for others. We hope that that gift will be received, treasured, respected, and honored for life.
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When Posting, Tweeting, Pinning and Blogging Are Prayer

When Posting, Tweeting, Pinning and Blogging Are Prayer

Nobody likes to be alone…not for Christmas…not ever. There is a deeply felt, absolutely essential core thirst within us for connection. Where does it come from? This drive for being a part of a network of relationships exists within us because WE ARE in a network of relationships. It starts with the Trinity—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit giving and receiving the gift of love among themselves and extending the invitation to us to participate in the divine communion. In that awareness, I real...
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"Love You to the Stars!"

There is something special about a person’s last words. We gather around the bed of our loved ones as they live their final moments, soaking in any remaining bits of wisdom they may have for us. Naturally, then, the Church has taken very seriously the final words of Jesus before the Ascension: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you....
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I can't believe I'm here! Countdown to profession...

I can't believe I'm here! Countdown to profession...

How many days left? 28 days, 12 hours, 7 minutes, and 2 seconds before first profession, that is, publicly professing the vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience as a Daughter of St. Paul.How did I get here? Me? No, this isn’t about me. My daily 'yes' to God's invitation is only a drop in the ocean of 'yes-es' uttered by every person who has lived to seek and follow God's will. In truth, only God knows completely how I got here.The first time my heart felt that God might be calling me to ...
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"How Can I Make You Happy?"

“How can I make you happy?” Most days I don’t really know the answer to this question—if you ask my husband he will tell you honestly he has been trying to figure that one out for thirty-plus years! But we both know one thing that consistently makes me happy—a book. As a publicist here at Pauline Books & Media, I am surrounded by books, and am blessed to work with many talented authors. Sometimes, however, God reaches out with his grace and touches me with the words of an author I will ...
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Building a Love That Lasts

Building a Love That Lasts

by Richard SpinelloIn the midst of a mid-day snowfall, an odd-looking couple stood outside the Hilton Hotel in New York City answering a skeptical reporter’s intrusive questions.  The reporter was doing a feature story for a network news magazine on mail order brides.  The lanky 51-year old man being interviewed had recently welcomed his new “bride-to-be” from Russia.  She had been in the United States only a few days and spoke very little English.  Neverthe...
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JPII and Theology of the Body: Something for Everyone

JPII and Theology of the Body: Something for Everyone

In Redwood City we really were avant-garde. We had to be. After all, this was California! In 2007 our media techie, Sr. Domenica, scraped together some funds to buy a screen for our Pauline Books & Media Center, so we could show promo videos we made locally about our titles. They weren’t spit and polish, but they were attention grabbing. And people responded.   So, when Dr. Michael Waldstein completed a new translation of the Wednesday General Audiences that Pope John Paul ha...
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3 Things to Pack for Vacation

3 Things to Pack for Vacation

Summer months are here. Kids are out of school. Some of the pressures that fill our lives from September to May are not as heavy. We have the chance to steal away for vacation, even if it's for just a week-end. I often think of all the vacations we went on as children…. They were great fun…for us kids. While I’m sure my parents enjoyed them also, they were still the parents even on vacation, still doing the driving, the disciplining, the listening, the teaching, the ...
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The Rapid Politicization of Religious Liberty

The Rapid Politicization of Religious Liberty

by Ray NothstinePolitical hysteria has reached a crescendo over a very defined and limited ruling in favor of Hobby Lobby with last week’s 5-4 Supreme Court decision. As many commentators have noted, including the editors at National Review, “That this increase in freedom makes some people so very upset tells us more about them than about the Court’s ruling.”In deciding to uphold rights of conscience, the court cited The Religious Freedom Res...
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