Irreplaceable: A Unique Documentary About the Family

Irreplaceable: A Unique Documentary About the Family

A beautiful documentary about the importance of the family, co-produced by Focus on the Family with many Christian and Catholic filmmakers and experts, has a one-day, one-time theatrical evening showing in mainstream theaters: Tuesday, May 6th in the USA, and Wednesday, May 7th in Canada. The film is not rated; Focus on the Family recommends it for teens 15 and older because topics such as sexuality and family issues may be spoken about too explicitly for children. 

From the film's website: 

What is Irreplaceable About?

Every member of the human race has the desire for significance—a desire to belong. And the family is where those deepest longings are fulfilled.

Unfortunately, the word “family” has all but lost its meaning in our modern cultural landscape. And the fallout has been significant. Divorce. Crime. Poverty. Addictions. Abuse. Our attempts to redefine and reimagine the family only make these problems worse, not better. When the family is weakened, society suffers. But strong families make the world a better place!

For more information and some impressive endorsements, visit: 



Irreplaceable, Documentary, Film about family life

