Everyday Grace for Advent

Everyday Grace for Advent

As Advent begins, so begins anxiety for a lot of people, and it’s important to not allow your stress to keep you from savoring every moment of this very special season. Here are three ways to stay on track:

  • Connect to history. Advent is a time of tradition, and there are other holidays (like St. Nicholas’ feast day, the day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the feast day of St. Lucy), that provide a chance to remember all those Christians who have gone before us. The modern Santa has a historical background that can enhance the understanding our families have of Advent; read Rescuing St. Nicholas from Santa Claus.
  • Everybody still has to eat, no matter how busy the season. This is a time to enjoy special holiday food. When you’re online looking for new recipes, try to find some holiday foods that match things you ate as a child, or start a new Advent food tradition at your house for kids or grandchildren. Having kids help cook or bake is a sweet way to bring kids into the season.
  • Remember your neighbors. Advent and Christmas are lonely times for a lot of people. Are there people in your neighborhood, parish, or other parts of your life that don’t have family around? Reach out and see if they want to join in your family event. Does your church visit nursing homes or shut-ins during Advent? If so, bring the kids: it’s a good way for them to practice a work of mercy.

There are many ways to celebrate Advent as what it properly is—its own season, both leading into and yet apart from Christmas.

We’ve only scratched the surface here, and we’d love to hear what your Advent traditions are! Please add them into the comments section at the end of this post!


Image: Mattias Zomer for Pexels




