Archive by year: 2014Return
Two New Saints Offer Us Hope

Two New Saints Offer Us Hope

On Sunday, April 27, 2014, Pope Francis will canonize John XXIII and John Paul II. These two men were very different from one another. John was an Italian pastor, bishop, and Vatican diplomat noted for his simplicity and humility. John Paul was a man of steel, fire-tried through his battles with the communist authorities in Poland. John was a historian; John Paul a philosopher. Yet both these beloved popes had something in common: they were optimists, filled with hope because of their faith in J...
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Carried on Wings of Prayer

Carried on Wings of Prayer

“I don’t know what tomorrow may bring. What I do know is that I’m not alone." - Sue In Trusting in God When Life's Not Easy, we explored the reasons for facing life's challenges with courage and a joyful trust in the Lord's goodness and abiding presence with us. On this page, we invite you to help others to have hope by sharing your stories of trust. Who are the unsung heroes and heroines who have inspired you? When have you taken a "leap of trust" and found yourself ...
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A Grace-filled Recollection

A Grace-filled Recollection

I was the fourth child in a family of thirteen. While I was growing up in Youngstown, Ohio, my Dad worked in a Catholic hospital just three blocks from our house. Like every dad, he would return home tired from a day’s work. Those moments before supper were special ones in our family. We always made sure the newspaper was in order so Dad could read it before we sat down for supper. While he looked over the paper, we kids would take turns sitting on his lap. When I occupied that perch I would st...
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Heaven Is for Real Film Commentary: Invitation to Resurrection Faith

Heaven Is for Real Film Commentary: Invitation to Resurrection Faith

Summary:Heaven Is for Real gets off to a slow start, but ultimately engages and inspires us as we witness an ordinary, devout Christian family who together deepen their faith. Sentimental but not hokey, this appealing family film based on the popular book will probably be appreciated more by the adults in the family.  An Inspiring Family FilmTodd Burpa (portrayed by the amazingly talented Greg Kinnear) is the hard-working husband, father, and preacher who lives with his family in ...
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Palm Sunday: Liturgical Word Clouds

Palm Sunday: Liturgical Word Clouds

When Jesus disciples drew near Jerusalemcame to Bethphage Mount Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying them, “Go into the village opposite you, immediately you will find an ass tethered,and colt with her.Untie them bring them here me.And anyone should say anything you, reply, ‘master has need of them.’Then he will send them once.”This happened so that what had been spoken through prophet might be fulfilled:Say to daughter Zion,“Behold, you...
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It's Easter! Who Do You Wish Would Come Back to Church?

It's Easter! Who Do You Wish Would Come Back to Church?

In the early 90s I remember being in our Pauline Books and Media Center in San Diego one day. A woman came in for a First Communion gift for a niece. It was just before Easter. She dropped the comment that she hadn't been in a church for ages, asserting that if she went the building would probably "fall down." Most of us have probably heard these words before, perhaps from someone in our own family. When it is from our own family it hurts a lot. Why is that so?  "Going to church" is something we...
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The Film Noah: A Spiritual Perspective by Sr. Marie Paul Curley

The Film Noah: A Spiritual Perspective by Sr. Marie Paul Curley

A bleak film with bold artistic choices, Noah has proven controversial to people of faith who have screened it. And perhaps deservedly so, since the artistic choices seem less about delving deeply into the scriptural story and more about creating a riveting story for the screen. Rather than an official review, I’d like to offer a few personal reflections that are more of a spiritual commentary.Listen to Sr. Marie Paul Curley on Salt + Light Radio Hour below.The Film vs. the BibleNoah is a ...
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Do You Wonder If God Loves You?

Do You Wonder If God Loves You?

Did you ever catch yourself secretly wondering whether or not God really, really has our best interest at heart? It is so easy to slip into thinking that doing the will of God is automatically tantamount to a life of suffering and woe. Instead, Jesus came to bring us life - abundant life! As Pope Francis reminds us we are called to encounter and become messengers of the joy of the Gospel!Paradoxically, however, we have to admit that the kingdom of God that Jesus preached and lived out in hi...
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Who Would Play YOU in a Movie?

Who Would Play YOU in a Movie?

Years ago when I was stationed in Virginia, we used to go as a community to the concerts given by the Marine Corps band on the steps of the Capital Building during the summer months. Somehow I got signed up for their newsletter and each one I received had the profile of a member of the band. A question always asked was, “Who would play you in a movie?” My reaction wasn’t to start thinking of the answer but rather, “Who would be crazy enough to make a movie about me anyway...
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Hope and Healing in the Holy Land

Hope and Healing in the Holy Land

"Bless the land where You chose to come into the world." (Pope Francis)One reader of My Discover Hope News Notes sent me an email last week commenting on the celebration of the canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII. Though we rejoice that these two great Popes are being recognized as saints by the Church, she wondered if we as a Church are as aware of the Christians today who are being persecuted and martyred in the Middle East."Syria, Iraq, Egypt and other areas of the Holy Land...
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