Archive by year: 2014Return

How To Witness To Faith In Awkward Situations

It makes for an awkward situation. You run into a third-cousin-twice-removed whom you haven't seen in years, who (knowing what a devoted Catholic you are) is eager to tell you how appreciative he or she is that Pope Francis is “rewriting the rules” about a certain under-appreciated area of Church teaching. It's both an opportunity and a bit of a pickle. Are we supposed to set the record straight right away, assuring the speaker that Pope Francis is upholding the same Catechism as his predecess...
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Intimacy in Prayer: Wisdom from Bernard of Clairvaux

Intimacy in Prayer: Wisdom from Bernard of Clairvaux

Let us love affectionately, discreetly, intensely. We know that the love of the heart, which we have said is affectionate, is sweet indeed, but liable to be led astray if it lacks the love of the soul.  
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Solace in Suffering: Wisdom from Thomas à Kempis

Solace in Suffering: Wisdom from Thomas à Kempis

Love is a great thing, in fact, the greatest of all, because it lightens every burden and bears every misfortune. It carries burdens without feeling them and makes even bitterness sweet. 
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Courage in Chaos: Wisdom from Francis de Sales

Courage in Chaos: Wisdom from Francis de Sales

I have heard of all your troubles and I have commended them to our Lord, asking him to bless them with that sacred benediction which he gives his chosen servants, so that they may all turn to the sanctification of his holy name and of your soul. 
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Life’s Purpose: John Henry Newman

Life’s Purpose: John Henry Newman

There are ten thousand ways of looking at this world, but only one right way….It is the way in which God looks at the world. Aim at looking at the world in god’s way…seeing things as God sees them. Aim at “seeing the King in his beauty.” All things that we see are but shadows to us unless we enter into what they really mean.
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A Simple Life: Jane Frances de Chantal

A Simple Life: Jane Frances de Chantal

Do what the Lord counsels you. The souls who are prompt in following the divine inspirations are those whom the Eternal Father has prepared to be the spouses of his Beloved Son. Having found the will of God in our vocation we remain lovingly in its practice. A good sign of a true inspiration is tranquility of heart. 
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Strength in Darkness: John of the Cross

Strength in Darkness: John of the Cross

People should live with great patience and constancy in all the tribulations and trials God places on them, whether they be exterior or interior; spiritual or bodily, great or small and they should accept them all as from God’s hand as a good remedy and not flee from them, for they bring health. 
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Path of Holiness: Catherine of Siena

Path of Holiness: Catherine of Siena

The soul obtains every grace and virtue by self-knowledge….Where else does a soul find such a rich sorrow for sin or the abundance of God’s mercy, in not in this self-knowledge? 
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Peace in Prayer: Teresa of Avila

Peace in Prayer: Teresa of Avila

Let us desire and be occupied in prayer not for the sake of our enjoyment but so as to have this strength to serve. Let’s refuse to take an unfamiliar path, for we shall get lost at the most opportune time. 
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Secrets of the Spirit: Louis Martinez

Secrets of the Spirit: Louis Martinez

Peace comes from God and we will never be able to comprehend it. But God calls us to peace and has carved our name upon the palm of his hand. He wants us to live in peace with him forever.
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