Theology Is For Every Body

Theology Is For Every Body

Sr. Helena’s Theology of the Body Is for Every Body Workshops

Theology of the Body is John Paul II's life-changing teaching about what it means to be a human person,  the human body, love, beauty, relationships and sexuality. Sr. Helena has been involved in TOB since 2006.  

Topics that Sr. Helena offers in this area are:

"Theology of the Body Is for Every Body!"
This workshop covers where Theology of the Body came from and why the world needs it so desperately today. It covers the history, background, worldview, and philosophy of Theology of the Body, concentrating on the big picture.

Introduction to Theology of the Body (Parts I and II)
Learn the basic concepts and terms of John Paul II's beautiful and complete vision of the human body-person!

"Finding True Love in the Media"
An exploration of TOB using movie clips

"Finding Your Feminine Identity in Christ"
Why Theology of the Body is good news for women in particular. This also covers 'Why an all-male priesthood'?

"Turning Hot-Button Issues into Fruitful Conversations"
This presentation covers hot-button issues today such as: living together, homosexuality, gay marriage, Humanae Vitae and contraception, sexting and porn. Includes  “apologetics" style soundbites.

"Is True Love for Everyone?"
Presentation of TOB for singles, men and women.

"Everyone Is Called to Virginity, Everyone Is Called to Marriage"
A presentation on using TOB to discern and live your vocation

"Emotional Chastity/Virtue for Women"

Is chastity (the integration of body and soul with regard to sexuality) only an exterior virtue? Covers "modesty" and women's fantasy lives.

"Beauty Hiding in Plain Sight: Images of the Body in Art and Media" TOB #60-63
How are we to consider the naked human body? Can the nude human body be portrayed in art and media? What's the difference between art and porn? How should we "see"?

Length: 1 hour
What to expect: interactive, media clips, resources, adapted for various age groups

Sr. Helena Burns, fsp, is a member of the Daughters of St. Paul, an international congregation founded to communicate God's Word through the media. She is finishing her M.A. in Media Literacy Education; has a B.A. in theology and philosophy from St. John's University, NYC; studied screenwriting at UCLA and Act One, Hollywood; and holds a Certificate in Pastoral Youth Ministry. She is a movie reviewer for Life Teen (and for 6 years, “The Catholic New World,” Chicago’s Archdiocesan newspaper). She has studied Theology of the Body at the Theology of the Body Institute, PA. She is currently writing and producing a documentary on the life of Blessed James Alberione: and is a co-producer on  Her book for young women is “He Speaks to You”:  Sr. Helena gives media and Theology of the Body workshops to youth and adults all over the U.S. and Canada, and believes that media can be a primary tool for sharing God's love and salvation.

How to contact Sr. Helena Burns to schedule a Theology of the Body workshop:    cell: 617 850 5584





Theology of the Body
