6 strategies for deepening relationships

6 strategies for deepening relationships

Six strategies for deepening your relationships based on the mystery of love in the Trinity.
  1. Every time we respect another person or we reverence the sacredness and integrity of creation, we are living in relationship. We are living as God lives: in love.
  2. Whenever we give ourselves to another in service or care, we are living in a relationship modeled on God-Love.
  3. When we love, yet respect another’s freedom, we are loving the way the Persons of the Trinity love each other, and the way they love us.
  4. Whenever we receive another’s compassion and ministry, we are living in a relationship with the humility and surrender of the Son.
  5. When we know how to give and how to receive love, we live within ourselves the dynamic of love present in God.
  6. When we deepen and respect relationships, we are allowing God’s Loving Kindness to be imprinted ever more deeply on the world, on our family and friends, on our souls.

The world, one day, will have impressed on it unmistakably the character of divine love through our day to day loving.




