Do Not Allow Yourselves To be Robbed of Hope

Do Not Allow Yourselves To be Robbed of Hope

Electricity is a powerful image for the Christian life. A lamp gives light only when it is plugged in. When our computer doesn't turn on, the first thing we check is whether it is plugged in or the battery charged. Blessed James Alberione said that holiness was living the Christian life at high voltage. We have no light within unless we are "plugged in" to the grace God gives us in Christ. It is a simple way of expressing Jesus’ statement that we are the branches and he the Vine. Unless we are ...
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Do Not Forget the Works of the Lord

Do Not Forget the Works of the Lord

Two phone calls from members of my family are etched into my heart. They were spouses and parents whose hearts were breaking. I’m sure you’ve received similar calls: perhaps it was a brother whose wife is divorcing him, or a friend whose child is marrying outside of the Church, a mother whose son is caught up in gang violence, or a young adult who can’t find a job and a place to belong. Family is the place we should be able to find a shelter for our hurting hearts, and sometimes it is family ...
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New Pauline Book Explores Contraception and Catholicism ...A Hard Pill to Swallow?

New Pauline Book Explores Contraception and Catholicism ...A Hard Pill to Swallow?

November 15, 2013 (Boston) — Pauline Books & Media is proud to announce the release of Contraception and Catholicism: What the Church Teaches and Why, by Angela Franks, PhD.In this new publication, Franks tackles perhaps the most widely misunderstood Catholic Church teaching of all: contraception. Franks knows firsthand the confusions and objections that arise in response to this controversial subject matter, since as a young Catholic she also questioned the Church’s stance on contraceptio...
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Best-Selling Author J. Brian Bransfield Publishes Third Title With Pauline Books & Media

Best-Selling Author J. Brian Bransfield Publishes Third Title With Pauline Books & Media

September 1, 2013 (Boston) — Pauline Books & Media is pleased to announce the release of Meeting Jesus Christ: Meditations on the Word by Reverend Monsignor J. Brian Bransfield, author of the best-selling The Human Person: According to John Paul II (Pauline Books & Media, 2010) and Living the Beatitudes: A Journey to Life in Christ (Pauline Books & Media, 2011).Monsignor J. Brian Bransfield is a priest of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia who serves as the Associate General Secretary ...
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