Help Children Develop a Gratitude Habit with a Comforting Bedtime Story

Help Children Develop a Gratitude Habit with a Comforting Bedtime Story

BOSTON, MA-FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE-“Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude.”—Albert Schweitzer

Parents want their children to be happy, healthy and kind, but did you know that a habit of daily gratitude may be the key to a lifetime of joy?

Numerous articles and studies have shown the benefits of a daily gratitude habit and its overall contribution towards generous living and long-term happiness. Pauline Books & Media’s new children’s release, Before I Sleep: I Say Thank You, will help parents teach children gratitude as a daily practice.

Written by Carol Gordon Ekster and illustrated by Mary Rojas, this engaging picture book for children ages 4-8, provides a simple formula for a bedtime routine which includes a review of the day, examen and thanksgiving. A mother and son both reflect on their day, expressing gratitude to God for things done well and thinking of ways they can improve tomorrow. With roots in the Jesuit tradition of the Ignatian Examen prayer, this appealing routine is reflected in many religions and cultures.

This book features:

  • Parent page
  • Playful, colorful illustrations by illustrator Mary Rojas
  • The nightly habit of prayer and gratitude

Before I Sleep: I Say Thank You can help you and your child develop a routine of nightly prayer and examination while strengthening the bond of family and providing your child with a cherished tool for a lifetime of gratitude.

Author Carol Gordon Ekster worked passionately for 35 years as an elementary school teacher. Now retired, she is the author of Ruth the Sleuth and the Messy Room and Where Am I Sleeping Tonight? (A Story of Divorce).

Before I Sleep: I Say Thank You (Pauline Books & Media, $14.95, 32 pages, 9 5/8 X7 1/4 inches, hardcover, ISBN:0-8198-1225-0, EAN: 978-0198-1225-4) Available at, local and on-line booksellers or by calling 1-800-876-4463. For more information visit




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