Heading for the

Heading for the "Promised Land"! Webathon Day 1

“We cannot help but speak about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20).

In the last chapter of the Gospel of Mark, the Risen Jesus commands his disciples, “Go out to the whole world and preach the Gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15). The Scripture quote for this opening day of our Webathon Novena could be the disciples' response: “We cannot help but speak about what we have seen and heard!” (see Acts 4:20). Communication is a human necessity.

Technology offers us amazing media for communicating whatever is on our mind, whether that is urgent and up-to-the-minute news, a simple “Happy Birthday” on social media, or, yes, “what we have seen and heard” in Jesus.

Founded 100 years ago, we Daughters of St. Paul have as our sole mission to proclaim the Gospel “to all the world” using all available forms of communications media. Every day of this Webathon Novena will highlight a different dimension of the communications mission we carry out from our Boston convent, posting here the prayer we will be offering that day for communications professionals. (Feel free to share it widely with people you know who work in those fields!)

Changes in technology mean that we are constantly adapting not only our methods but even our buildings to better serve the needs of our mission. The goal of this year's Webathon is to renovate the “Promised Land” (a former warehouse that we hope to refit for the sisters working in art and design), to expand and equip the workshop used by our elderly sisters, and to provide the sisters in our shipping and outreach departments with the necessary heating and air-conditioning that will allow them to work “in season and out of season” for the spread of the Gospel. The Chosen People found everything "move-in" ready when they crossed the River Jordan into the Promised Land; we need to do a bit of work for our Promised Land to be fitted to our mission!

Throughout these nine days, you will meet sisters in various areas of our publishing house and see them at work. With your help, we can reach the $40,000 that will fund the improvements needed to give these sisters healthy and workable surroundings that will minimize the distractions and interruptions they currently face, while promoting the spirit of recollection and prayer that is so fundamental in religious life.


A Communicator’s Prayer

Lord, make me an instrument of your grace.

Where there is ignorance, let me bring inspiration;

Where there is prejudice, understanding;

Where there is weariness, strength;

Where there is ugliness, beauty;

Where there is loneliness, companionship;

Where there is sadness, joy;

Where there is fear, courage;

Where there is doubt, faith;

Where there is hatred, love.

Lord, fill my mind with your truth,

my heart with your love,

my whole being with your Spirit.

Grant me the supreme gift

of forgetfulness of self in service of others,

and make your mission mine.

©2015, Daughters of St Paul. Excerpted from Live Christ! Give Christ! Prayers for the New Evangelization (Pauline Books & Media, Boston).






Click To Donate


Would you rather write a check?

Make it out to Daughters of St. Paul. Send it to Webathon c/o Sr. Margaret Edward Moran, 50 St. Paul’s Ave., Boston, MA 02130. To donate by phone call 1-800-836-9723. 10am to 5pm EST. Thank you and God bless you.

Your Deceased Loved Ones Will Be Remembered in a Novena of Masses:
November 9 to November 18 in Our Motherhouse Chapel in Boston.




