A Prayer for a New Vision: Prayers for Our Nation

A Prayer for a New Vision: Prayers for Our Nation

We beg you, Eternal Wisdom, to give us new vision
so as to view persons and events with the eyes of Christ.
Open our hearts to great respect for every human person
and for authentic values rooted in the Gospel.
Help us to promote what is true, just, pure, and good,
so that all persons may recognize 

the dignity to which God calls them.
Make us your leaven in the midst of humanity,
proclaiming and bringing your salvation 

into every corner of our world.
Holy Spirit, allow us to be surprised by
the “unruly freedom of the word” 

(Evangelii Gaudium, no. 22),
which accomplishes its purpose
in ways that often exceed our limited perceptions.

(Excerpt from Live Christ! Give Christ!)

The entire world is our mission field. We must love all people in order to do good to all.
Venerable Mother Thecla Merlo

Practice for Today

When you feel disgruntled, fearful, or angry about something you read/see in the news, offer a prayer to God for the spirit of hope, affirming you trust that God accomplishes his purpose in ways that often exceed our limited perceptions.





Prayer and Holiness
