Archive by year: 2015Return
Keep Calm: Lessons from Baby Tessa

Keep Calm: Lessons from Baby Tessa

You may have noticed the latest trend in Keep Calm T-Shirts and even Facebook posts: Keep Calm I'm a Nurse, Keep Calm and Carry On, Keep Calm and Let the Chef Handle It, Keep Calm It's My 40th Birthday Today.... Anyone can go on and create their own Keep Calm T-Shirt message. I’m visiting my family these few weeks and these Keep Calm messages have caught my attention.In reality, however, there are lots of events, that can shatter our calm and leave us feeling anxious, on edge, even i...
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How TOB Can Help You Have a Happier Life

How TOB Can Help You Have a Happier Life

A couple years ago I went to a Theology of the Body (TOB) Congress in Philadelphia. One thing stood out for me: so many people I talked to said that learning about TOB had made their life happier. I recall one man who was an ordinary Catholic guy—I’ll call him Joe from New Jersey. He said that his wife had started listening to talks about TOB and was very enthusiastic about it. He wasn’t too interested at first. His wife, however, would play the CDs when the two of them were in the car. After...
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Grief, Death, Eternal Life Explored in New Catholic Title by Pauline Books & Media

Grief, Death, Eternal Life Explored in New Catholic Title by Pauline Books & Media

BOSTON, MA — Pauline Books & Media is pleased to announce the release of Life Everlasting: The Mystery and the Promise by best-selling author Monsignor J. Brian Bransfield.Acknowledging the faith-shaking effects of grief, Bransfield faces the eternal question of death through a personal lens, looking towards the death and resurrection of Jesus for answers. The author follows the threads that run through our lives and the gospels, deciphering the very clues that shed light on this unsettling...
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Standing at the River Jordan: Webathon Novena Day 9

Standing at the River Jordan: Webathon Novena Day 9

In today's Webathon Novena for communications, we would like to share with you a prayer by our Founder, the Media Apostle Blessed James Alberione. In it, we present every aspect of our media culture to God: the lights and the shadows, the opportunities and the challenges. Please join us in praying for a profound evangelization of the media culture that is the environment in which we all now live. We are also grateful for your help in renovating an old warehouse to be a healthy and efficient sett...
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The Sisters Who Get the Word Out: Webathon Novena Day 8

The Sisters Who Get the Word Out: Webathon Novena Day 8

Our Webathon Novena continues, focusing on the use of media for evangelization. Clearly, it's not enough simply to produce inspiring media: The message has to reach people wherever they are. We Daughters of St. Paul work hard to maintain book centers where people can easily find uplifting and instructive media. But our book centers, as well as Catholic bookstores, parishes and individuals around the country, depend on the hidden work of our sisters in the shipping room here in Boston. With your ...
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The Choir that Needs More than Music: Webathon Novena Day 7

The Choir that Needs More than Music: Webathon Novena Day 7

In today's Webathon Novena, we pray for musicians, especially those who dedicate their talents to the worship of God. We are blessed to have a music studio here in the convent, the home of the Daughters of St. Paul choir. But it takes more than music to create an album! The choir depends on the skills of our sisters in Photography, Graphic Design and Shipping to make sure that the inspiring message they sing is reflected in the album art and packaging, and that the albums are speedily sent out. ...
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The Nuns Who Never Retire: Webathon Novena Day 6

The Nuns Who Never Retire: Webathon Novena Day 6

Since evangelization is a participation in the mission of Christ, it isn't so much a matter of what we do as of who we are, as followers of Jesus. No one knows this better than our senior sisters. On this day of our Webathon Novena for communicators, we pray in a special way for the elderly, that they might know that they still have an important, even fundamental role, in the Church's mission. We also invite you today to help us provide our senior sisters a spacious and comfortable area where th...
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Intelligent Designers: Webathon Novena Day 5

Intelligent Designers: Webathon Novena Day 5

Today's prayer in the Webathon Novena for communicators is for graphic designers, those talented artists who shape the visual environment of every book, magazine, product package or advertisement you see. Our sister-designers work with the same tools and the same artistic concern for authenticity. We like to think that their work consecrates the work of all graphic designers, gently encouraging them to put their talents at the service of truth. But our sisters face some extra challenges, since t...
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In her Father's Footsteps: Webathon Novena Day 4

In her Father's Footsteps: Webathon Novena Day 4

During this Webathon Novena, we are praying in a special way for communications artists. Today we have before us the needs of photographers and photo-journalists, people like our our Sister Mary Emmanuel. With your help, we will be able to transform a corner of an old warehouse building into a workable and spacious studio.
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The Artist without a Studio: Webathon Novena Day 3

The Artist without a Studio: Webathon Novena Day 3

The changing face of media means that not only do our methods of evangelization need to adapt, so do our buildings! Help us to renovate an old warehouse, making it a healthy and light-filled environment where our sister-artists can put beauty at the service of truth. The sisters need your helping hand! During this Webathon Novena, pray with us today for all artists, that their God-given talents may bring them and others closer to Divine Beauty.
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