The Sisters Who Get the Word Out: Webathon Novena Day 8

The Sisters Who Get the Word Out: Webathon Novena Day 8

“Write what you see and send it to the seven churches...” (Rev. 1:11).

 For the Chosen People, the Promised Land was move-in ready, “with houses you did not build and olive groves you did not plant” (see Dt. 6:11). Our “Promised Land” (a former warehouse) needs a bit of attention in order to be outfitted for the needs of our mission. We're on the move already! With a daily goal of $4,500, we hope that during this Webathon Novena, you can help us get to the Promised Land!

Blessed James Alberione once commented that, as important as it is to make the message of the Gospel and the teachings of the Church available in various forms of media, if the books, movies or CDs remain in the warehouse, they are a dead letter, “like the mummies of Egypt.” What is important is not that books be printed or CDs produced but that they be sent to the four winds (or, as in the Book of Revelation, “the seven churches”: the delivery points along a Roman postal route) where they can reach people.

Our sisters and staff in the order entry and shipping departments carry out this important service of giving “wings and feet to the Gospel.

Currently, these departments are located in our former book bindery, a space originally designed for heavy equipment in a wide-open area, but that was divided up last year to provide offices as well as warehousing. The sisters and lay staff have been making do with inefficient space heaters and window air-conditioning units to try to keep the interior temperature manageable through Boston's severe winters and steamy summers. Your contribution to our Webathon can provide for the purchase and installation of the industrial units needed so that the Word of God can “speed on and triumph” (cf. 2 Thess. 3:1) through the work of our sisters and staff in the sales and shipping departments!

Join us in today's prayer that the media will be used more and more to promote all that is true, good, and beautiful. We'd love for you to share this page with others!


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Prayer for Using the Media in the New Evangelization


O God, to communicate your love to all,

you sent your only Son, Jesus Christ, into the world

and made him our Master and Shepherd,

the Way, Truth, and Life of humanity.

Grant that all means of communication—

print, film, radio, television, the Internet, and all new media—

may be used for your glory and the good of all people.

Inspire everyone of good will

to assist with prayer, action, and financial support,

so that through these powerful means

the Church may preach the Gospel to all peoples. Amen.

(Blessed James Alberione)

©2015, Daughters of St Paul. Excerpted from Live Christ! Give Christ! Prayers for the New Evangelization(Pauline Books & Media, Boston).

Download a printable version of this prayer!


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Would you rather write a check?

Make it out to Daughters of St. Paul. Send it to Webathon c/o Sr. Margaret Edward Moran, 50 St. Paul’s Ave., Boston, MA 02130. To donate by phone call 1-800-836-9723. 10am to 5pm EST. Thank you and God bless you.

Your Deceased Loved Ones Will Be Remembered in a Novena of Masses:
November 9 to November 18 in Our Motherhouse Chapel in Boston.




