Archive by year: 2013Return
Little App of Saints for KIDS

Little App of Saints for KIDS

Alot of parents have said this to us: I don't my kids to just play meaningless games when I let them play with my iPhone or even on their own. I wish there was something that would reinforce values which will help them be better people.That's why we created Little App of Saints. First of all, why that name? Because it is based on our very popular series: Little Book of Saints. What the app gives you, however, which the book can't, is a very cool audio message straight from the saint to the child...
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Catholic App for Creating Abundance

Catholic App for Creating Abundance

Is God listening? Does he care about me? If you have asked yourself these questions, then this app is for you: Creating Abundance in 21 Days"God wants you to have abundance. God wants your life to overflow with his blessings. God wants to give you good fortune every day."Georgiana LotfySometimes we think abundance is in riches. In fact, that's what the rest of the world thinks it is. And sometimes we do find ourselves receiving unexpected financial assistance when we pray. But ult...
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Meet K. Kelley Heyne!

Meet K. Kelley Heyne!

We are pleased to introduce you to K.Kelley Heyne—a.k.a. Kara. She's the author of The Locket's Secret our first novel for teen girls!A tender real-life story mixed with an adventurous fantasy! What inspired you to write about the journeys of Carrie and Princess Caritas?If there is one thing I've learned about people, especially quiet, thoughtful people, it's that they often want to be more than they appear to be. Children, including my own, play pretend games about daring rescues and sla...
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Catholic Prime Directive

Catholic Prime Directive

If you’re into Star Trek at all, you know about the Prime Directive. It is Starfleet’s No. 1 rule dictating that there can be no interference with the internal development of alien civilizations. In the opening scene of the new movie Star Trek: Into Darkness, Captain Kirk (Chris Pine) runs at top speed through a forest of weird red trees chased by the primitive natives of some planet he and the crew of the Enterprise are trying to save from a devastating volcano. The catch is, accord...
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Every Summer Has a Story

Every Summer Has a Story

Every summer has a story. Do you remember summertime as a kid? Summer meant dripping ice cream, best friend days, late mornings, running through sprinklers…the “summer reading list!” Some of us dreaded having to spend our summer vacations reading, some of us loved it, but all of us did it.Today, children still have required summer reading. But with this healthy emphasis on summer reading, it’s logical to ask why summer WRITING isn’t also encouraged—especially...
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Pope-ularity for the Feasts of Sts. Peter and Paul

Pope-ularity for the Feasts of Sts. Peter and Paul

The Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul (June 29) can inspire us to learn more about Pope Francis, our popes throughout history, and all things papal.WHAT IS A POPE AND WHY DO WE HAVE ONE?Jesus made Peter the leader of the Apostles (keys of the kingdom). The Pope is Peter's successor.Jesus sent Peter to Rome, where he lead the church and then was crucified upside-down where the Vatican and St. Peter's now stands. The Pope is the Bishop of Rome.Jesus told Peter to feed His sheep. The Pope is the S...
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We Are Wonderfully Made

We Are Wonderfully Made

Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of the faithful. Let Israel be glad in its maker, the people of Zion rejoice in their king. Let them praise his name in dance, make music with tambourine and lyre. For the Lord takes delight in his people, honors the poor with victory. Ps 149:1–4 (NABRE) God loves us as if we were the center of his universe! We who have died and risen with Christ, we in whom the Son abides, we for whom Jesu...
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My Baptism Bible

My Baptism Bible

The most intense experience of God we can have in our lives is when we celebrate a sacrament. It might be hard to believe, because receiving Holy Communion or going to confession doesn’t always feel like an intense experience of God. The day you were confirmed, you probably didn’t sense any wind and fire or the power of the Holy Spirit. The same with the Anointing of the Sick. Even during the reception of Holy Orders, or the celebration of the sacrament of Matrimony—which ...
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Psalm 23 as an Act of Faith

Psalm 23 as an Act of Faith

Psalm Twenty Three, many people's favorite psalm, is a welcome message amid the tumultuous and painful events in the world today. We hear the words, “The Lord is my Shepherd…” and in our imagination we picture comforting images of Jesus the Good Shepherd leading and guarding his flock. We resonate with the promise of the Psalm. Knowing, however, that we rarely feel like we are being led through soft green pastures, could be a challenge to our faith. Is God really here? Will Jesus protect me n...
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Light of Faith: Reflections

Yesterday, Pope Francis published his document Light of Faith. In a matter of a few weeks it will be available in English (check it out on the Vatican's website). As I began reading it I was struck by the Pope's opening reflection on light and thought it was perfect for this first of our summer editions. He states at the outset that the pagan world hungered for light and developed the cult of the sun god, Sol Invictus, whom they invoked each day at sunrise. As much as...
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