Archive by year: 2013Return
Walk with Me: The Stations of the Cross

Walk with Me: The Stations of the Cross

The Stations of the Cross are meant to strengthen and comfort us on our own journey through life, a journey in which Jesus invites us: “Walk with me.” This app provides a powerful experience of the stations: audio reflections, words of Jesus, and prayers two sets of beautiful images to choose from (one traditional and the other contemporary) the option to play the stations of the cross audio from beginning to end (perfect for praying the stations in the car or taking a walk)...
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A Spiritual Guide to Deeper Prayer

A Spiritual Guide to Deeper Prayer

Do you desire to pray more deeply but feel that deeper, more satisfying prayer is beyond your reach? Sr. Kathryn Hermes, a sister with the Daughters of St. Paul, wants you to understand and develop this deeper, more profound experience of contemplative prayer. “Those who have used these guides in retreats and conferences have unearthed a greater sense of God’s presence and love for them. I’ve seen what God can do in a person with some guidance in prayer, and it is wonderfu...
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Light a Candle: God Loves You

Light a Candle: God Loves You

When life seems out of control, we can always turn to God. But how? What are the words to use? What do I do? Solution: Light a Candle: God Loves You. With this app you can light a candle right where you are, there are many prayers to give you words to say, and you can contact the nuns to pray with you for your needs and special intentions.Lighting candles expresses more than words could ever say. Candles remind us of presence, assure us of warmth, promise us that someone cares and we can care fo...
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Making Peace with Yourself App

Making Peace with Yourself App

Have you ever felt empty? Does your life seem broken or unfinished? Are you lonely?We all find ourselves feeling this way at some point in our lives. In these painfulmoments we seek comfort, peace, and encouragement. Making Peace with Yourself isa guide to inner serenity when the going gets rough, when you’re down on yourself, orwhen there doesn’t seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel.Making Peace with Yourself features 25 ground-breaking insights,perfect both for on-the-go gui...
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Rezando el Santo Rosario

Rezando el Santo Rosario

Recemos el Santo Rosario con la Hermana Maria Ruth Reyes— Un rosario listo para ser escuchado, que con gran inteligencia intuitiva ha sido preparado por las Hijas de San Pablo y que ofrece arte, vitrales, íconos, música y fotos para meditación. LA HERMANA MARIA RUTH REYES, Hija de San Pablo y de nacionalidad colombiana, es la voz de "Radio Paulinas”, programa en español que es transmitido por 100 radiodifusoras en 17 países. Su programa, "Jesú...
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Room to Breathe

Room to Breathe

Have you attempted to meditate but find your thoughts getting in the way?Have you had difficulty beginning or sticking with a meditation practice?Do you want to bring a more peaceful attitude into your life?Would you like to decrease your stress and anxiety?Would you like a simple meditation to help you get to sleep?By just launching an app you could bring more peace and happiness into your life. Since 1991, Georgiana Lotfy, who created and narrated this app, has been helping people discover min...
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Surviving Depression: an App to Help

Surviving Depression: an App to Help

Depression is no fun. Trying to get through life, or even through a single day, can be excruciating. A feeling of helplessness and sadness can lead one to feel disconnected from God and others…guilty, angry, and afraid. I know, I’ve been there. I’m the author of Surviving Depression: A Catholic Approach, a best-selling guide to hope and healing when one is suffering with depression.Surviving Depression App is a companion when confusion, frustration, fatigue, or darkness set in...
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St. Joseph, Pope Francis, and the Year of Faith

In this critical year of faith we should pay more attention toSt. Joseph, because through him God will provide a way to overcome the famine of faith. The story of Joseph in the book of Genesis can remind us of similarities to St. Joseph: their dreams, their chastity, their wise stewardship. The Joseph of Genesis wisely managed the resources of Egypt, so that when famine struck the country, it was well provided for: “All the world came to Joseph to obtain rations of grain, for fam...
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Trust in the Mercy of Jesus

A reflection from Pope Francis’ homily on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 7, 2013 3. I would like to emphasize one other thing: God’s patience has to call forth in us the courage to return to him, however many mistakes and sins there may be in our life. Jesus tells Thomas to put his hand in the wounds of his hands and his feet, and in his side. We too can enter into the wounds of Jesus, we can actually touch him. This happens every time that we receive the sacraments with faith. Saint Bernard, in ...
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Seized by Christ

We are heading into the last six months of the Year of Faith initiated by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and re-invigorated by Pope Francis. Indeed, the very emergence of Pope Francis onto the internal ecclesial scene has energized people into renewing or re-starting their journey of discipleship. It almost feels like Pope Francis is trying to push us into a faith-response that we’ve forgotten—one that is active, courageous, joyful, and loving. In short, he is calling us to a life of mission. To b...
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