Making Peace with Yourself App

Making Peace with Yourself App

Have you ever felt empty? Does your life seem broken or unfinished? Are you lonely?
We all find ourselves feeling this way at some point in our lives. In these painful
moments we seek comfort, peace, and encouragement. Making Peace with Yourself is
a guide to inner serenity when the going gets rough, when you’re down on yourself, or
when there doesn’t seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Making Peace with Yourself features 25 ground-breaking insights,
perfect both for on-the-go guidance or sitting with in meditation. Now you can carry
some of the most powerful secrets to finding inner peace around with you on your
iPhone and explore in short readings some of the wisdom of the book Making Peace with

  • 25 excerpts from Making Peace with Yourself
  • Message from the author
  • Handy navigation
  • Intuitive and beautiful interface
  • Integration with e-mail for easy sharing with others.

View in iTunes

View in Google Play




Apps for Meditation, Pauline Digital
