We Are Wonderfully Made

We Are Wonderfully Made

Sing to the Lord a new song, 
his praise in the assembly of the faithful. 
Let Israel be glad in its maker, 
the people of Zion rejoice in their king. 
Let them praise his name in dance, 
make music with tambourine and lyre. 
For the Lord takes delight in his people, 
honors the poor with victory. 
Ps 149:1–4 (NABRE) 

God loves us as if we were the center of his universe! We who have died and risen with Christ, we in whom the Son abides, we for whom Jesus answered to his Father with his life and with his death—we are the object of God’s delight. We are chosen by God. Jesus spent his thirty-three years of life serving our needs with his own hands, wiping up our mess with his own blood, opening our future with his own death. The life of the Word Incarnate was not a blip on the divine screen. For all eternity God will be serving us, bent at our feet in love and mercy and compassion. God makes the impossible, possible; the unbelievable, reality. What is unlovable will melt in his hands. What is ostentatious will thrill to be a cascade of lilies in a blooming field, clothed only with the brilliance of poverty. What is afraid will stand with the certainty of the resurrection. We shy away from grandeur and expectations, but we are drawn with confidence by this extraordinary mercy that will delight us eternally. 

O Love! You wash my feet and tend to my vulnerability every day! Give me eyes to see you.

Excerpt from Cherished by the Lord: 100 Meditations on God's Love




