Video: Mary, Mother of Apostles

"To consecrate oneself to Mary is not a passing fashion, a spiritual hobby, but a ready response to the gift of the dying Jesus: “Here is your mother” (Jn 19:27). We don’t need to distrust the gifts of God, for he knows what we need before we even ask him (see Mt 6:8). Perhaps no one has seen this act of Jesus in a theological and symbolic framework as well as Saint Louis de Montfort. For this great French apostle, baptized persons must cast themselves like raw clay into the “form” of Mary so that the Spirit might form them. The form does not impress its own image but that of Christ, because the Mother is the “mold” of the Son. We take on the “form,” which is Mary, in order to assume the features of Jesus and thus bring to perfection our own baptismal pathway. And so the miracle of the incarnation of the Word is repeated mystically in us. As he took form in Mary, now Jesus takes form in us." (Giuseppe Forlai, author of Mary, Mother of Apostles: How to Live Marian Devotion to Proclaim Christ)





