I have always loved the readings of the Liturgy in the last couple weeks of November and the end of the liturgical year, particularly the book of Revelation. Just yesterday we began proclaiming the prophetic messages to the seven Churches. Those who are victorious I will feed from the tree of life!
We too want to stand one day robed in white, singing the song of the Lamb. In today's Strength for the Week, Pope Francis offers us some personal spiritual guidance on our journey. In the digital magazine below--A Heart to Heart with Pope Francis--he shares with us that knowing Jesus is "our most important work." Like a good spiritual director, he points the way by encouraging us to open three doors: the first door is praying to Jesus, the second door is celebrating Jesus, the third door is imitating Jesus.
Pope Francis lays down the challenge to all of us: Be saints! The world needs saints! “Do not be afraid of holiness, do not be afraid to aim high, to be loved and purified by God, do not be afraid to let yourself be guided by the Holy Spirit…. Do not lose hope in holiness. We travel all this way; Do we want to be holy? The Lord awaits us all with open arms to join in this path of holiness.” (10/2/2013)
The 19th century French novelist and convert Leon Bloy said that “there is only one sadness in life; that of not being saints.”
I hope you'll enjoy the articles: "Pray from Who You Are" by Sr. Mary Lea Hill, FSP; "Unstoppable Love" by Sr. Marie Paul Curley, FSP, and "The Word of God Is Alive" by Deacon Pedro Guevara-Mann.
As a friend used to say, "Let no one of us be missing on the other side!"
In Christ,
Sr. Kathryn J. Hermes, FSP