Pauline Books and Media Focuses on Kids This Month!

Pauline Books and Media Focuses on Kids This Month!

Imagine being a kid in today’s world.

Imagination is part of the genius of children. It is also a vehicle of faith. At Pauline, we know that parents want entertaining books that also inspire and affirm. As kids explore their world and themselves, we want to help them discover Jesus. That’s why we offer books and media that reflect a positive world view, foster Catholic values, promote human dignity, and share our faith in Jesus Christ. This August we are highlighting 10 of our new and recent titles for kids and teens that do exactly that.

Full color graphic novels for children 8-10

St. Francis of Assisi: Messenger of Peace

7297-0In the year 1181, in the Italian city of Assisi, a rich merchant and his wife give birth to a son, Francis. Francis grows up living a carefree life of luxury and extravagance, much to his parents' dismay. When war breaks out between the cities of Assisi and Perugia, Francis-enchanted by his dreams of knighthood, longing for chivalrous adventure, and quest for military glory-eagerly joins the fight. But when Francis is taken prisoner and becomes very sick, something inside him begins to stir…

What causes Francis to rethink his ways? Is this military path the one he is supposed to follow? Or is he supposed to deliver a message other than war?

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St. Ignatius of Loyola: Leading the Way


In the year 1491, in the Spanish town of Azpeitia, the Lord of Loyola and his wife give birth to a son, Ignatius. Growing up to serve the royal court of Castile and fight as a knight against the French, Ignatius seems to be fulfilling his dream of living like the men described in his chivalry and romance books. But when he starts reading about the life of Christ and the lives of the saints, he starts to feel unfulfilled by his current ways…

What causes Ignatius to reconsider his lifestyle? Will he continue his military career? Or will he discover how to be a very different kind of "soldier?"

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The Queen and the Cross

7461-2In this fabulous and instructive blend of tale and history, children ages 5-8 will be inspired by the lore and legend of the faith. Boys and girls alike will be captivated by Helen, a heroic empress on a mission, and will be encouraged to treasure the Holy Cross in their own lives!

As children accompany Helen on her quest to find the true cross upon which Jesus died, they will relive her adventures. They will experience Helen's excitement when she thinks she has discovered the 'X' that marks the spot-sweet-smelling basil-since basil is the herb of kings and Jesus is the King of Life. But just as it seems that the site of the Holy Cross has been identified, not one, but three crosses are found while digging…

How will the one true cross be determined? Discover the legend of the Holy Cross and learn all about Helen's thrilling life!

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Gospel Time Trekkers Series

7251-2  1204-8  1891-7

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What Are People Saying about this Series?

"A delightful series that immerses today's young people in the life and culture of Bible times and the Gospel story itself. Well-researched and engaging-with a conclusion that satisfies the reader's growing curiosity." 
-Anne Eileen Heffernan, FSP, author of Bible for Young Catholics

Shepherds to the Rescue is a great tale of friendship and heroism, offering young Catholic readers an interactive experience of popular Bible stories. Each story invites the young heart to engage Christ and His gospel in a personal way; it’s an introduction to lectio divina without your [young] reader even realizing it! The tales are great for both boys and girls—offering them face to face encounters with Scripture, framed in a way they will truly understand. For parents seeking a way to bring more Scripture and family discussion into their home—apart from Sunday Mass —this is a great tool and an engaging step forward.”
—Mark Hart, Executive Vice President, Life Teen; best-selling Catholic author; host of “Fired Up” on The Catholic Channel, SiriusXM 129

Pauline recognizes that teens have different questions, interests, needs, and tastes than younger kids do. That’s why we’re reaching up with both fiction and non-fiction books for teens—books that engage their faith by accepting who they are now while inspiring them to recognize who God calls them to become.  

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Pauline Kids, New Titles, Publishing House
