Spirituality and Liturgy

Spirituality and Liturgy

Sr. Hosea’s Spirituality and Liturgy Workshops

Sr. Hosea believes that it is not only important, but truly helpful, to connect faith with media and her presentations help people do this in a practical way.

Spirituality and Liturgy topics:

Advent at the Movies
Lent at the Movies
Easter at the Movies
Meeting Jesus at the Movies
A Spirituality for Our Media World
Praying with Media
Explanations of the Seasons of the Liturgical Year
How to Pray the Liturgy of the Hours
St. Paul Goes to the Movies

This is just a selection of topics available. Please contact us for to arrange for a topic that will meet your specific needs.

Length: 1 hour
What to expect: interactive, media clips, resources, adapted for various age groups

Sr. Hosea Rupprecht entered the Daughters of St. Paul in 1986 after graduating from high school. She made her first profession in 1990 and final vows in 1998. She holds a Masters of Theological Studies from the University of St. Michael’s College in Toronto and an MA in Media Literacy from Webster University in St. Louis. For the past 15 years, she has facilitated various film dialogues for both children and adults, as well as given presentations to Catholic teachers, parents, catechists and students on integrating culture, faith and media.  She is currently a speaker for the Pauline Center for Media Studies based in Boston, MA. She is the author of How to Watch Movies with Kids: A Values-Based Strategy. She also keeps up on current media in her blog, Media Musings of a Catholic Nun (catholicmediamusings.blogspot.com).

In 2009, she became a full-time member of the Pauline Center for Media Studies in Los Angeles and has spoken on faith and media at numerous religious education conferences including NCEA. Now based in Boston, she has recently concluded graduate studies in Media Literacy, writing a thesis on how the films of Pixar Animation Studios can be used in religious instruction.

Sr. Hosea hails from Renton, Washington near Seattle. A voracious reader as a child, she especially loved The Hardy Boys mystery books. When the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew Mysteries starring Shaun Cassidy, Parker Stevenson, and Pamela Sue Martin aired in the late 1970’s she remembers being disappointed about missing episodes that aired on Sunday mornings when the family attended Mass. The place of faith in her family made it clear that Sunday Mass was high on the priority list and television was low. When she snuck out of the house to see Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark with friends in high school, her love of movies was cemented forever. Since then, connecting her faith with the media she encounters and helping others do the same has become her passion.

While Sr. Hosea’s specialty is film, she also enjoys speaking about topics of spirituality and liturgy, especially in regards to how media and contemporary culture can be both a challenge and an enrichment to a life of faith.

How to contact Sr. Hosea Rupprecht to schedule a presentation: hrupprecht@paulinemedia.com



