Archive by year: 2017Return
Does God Really Want Us To Reject Material Things?

Does God Really Want Us To Reject Material Things?

If you’re like me, you have a struggle every morning: do I dare read the news today? What new calamity is going to befall us? In what new ways will people hurt each other? How can I stay centered when the world around me is so off-center?Part of me just wants to turn my back on all of it. Stay off the internet, not put on NPR when I’m driving somewhere, ignore what’s on TV. With the exception of the sporadic “human interest” stories that local stations put into thei...
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3 Tips for Couples Growing in Prayer Together

3 Tips for Couples Growing in Prayer Together

As Catholic Christians, we know that prayer is vital to keeping our soul in good health, cultivating virtue, and growing in intimacy with God. If prayer is an important element of your life, then you most likely have a desire to share it with your spouse. Sometimes this can be an awkward feat, though, since we all have different personalities and preferences in types of prayer, or especially because we may have never seen a prayer life modeled or talked about by a married couple. Hopefully shari...
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Life is guided from the light coming from eternity

Life is guided from the light coming from eternity

Anyone who tries to read the Hebrew Scriptures, what Christians call the Old Testament, discovers from page one that conflict, greed, jealousy, and violence begin to spill like an ugly ink that flows from the human heart into the larger societies in which we live. At the same time individuals are lifted up that make us say: “Wow!” They live in the midst of the same world as we, but, as Jesus said, without being of the world.In the 8th century BC, comes the story we read in the book o...
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Prayer for America

Prayer for America

Blessed Lord, whose love knows no national boundaryWe pray to you today for our nation:Help us to celebrate what is good and strong and justHelp us to reject what is divisive and unfair.Give us the understanding that everything about America—Its land, its people, its history, its futureAre all treasures to be loved,Not belongings to be hoarded.Blessed Lord, whose love transcends time and spaceWe pray to you today for our nation:For our cities that teem with movement and lifeFor our fields ...
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Prayer for America

Prayer for America

Blessed Lord, whose love knows no national boundaryWe pray to you today for our nation:Help us to celebrate what is good and strong and justHelp us to reject what is divisive and unfair.Give us the understanding that everything about America—Its land, its people, its history, its futureAre all treasures to be loved,Not belongings to be hoarded.Blessed Lord, whose love transcends time and spaceWe pray to you today for our nation:For our cities that teem with movement and lifeFor our fields ...
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Re-Dedicate Yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus!

Re-Dedicate Yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus!

The month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart. And yet to many people, the devotion seems odd. We worship Christ who was resurrected from the dead, and yet we have a special devotion to his… heart?Humanity has always associated the heart with love. It is the life-force of the body; when the heart stops beating, life ends. So it’s not surprising that as devotion to the Incarnated Christ increased in the Church, people experienced his love for them through his heart.General devot...
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The Sea Is His: How God Shows Himself Through Nature

The Sea Is His: How God Shows Himself Through Nature

How often have you had the experience of stepping back from your busy life and finding yourself alone—on a beach, in the woods, even in a quiet moment in a park—and suddenly felt the nearness of God? It’s probably happened to us all: realizing in one moment of closeness how deeply we love our Creator—and how deeply we’re loved by him. We forget, sometimes, the incarnational aspect of our religion. We are the children of a God who revealed himself fully by comin...
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My Marriage is Not a Fairy Tale (by Jackie Francois Angel)

My Marriage is Not a Fairy Tale (by Jackie Francois Angel)

A few years ago, as a single woman, I sat across from a young engaged couple at a Theology of the Body retreat during lunchtime. Curious about their love story, I listened for 45 minutes on how God wove everything together for them—how it took years of prayers and novenas that eventually were answered in the most crazy ways. I mean, it took 45 minutes to tell their story. By the end I was thinking, “Oh my gosh. This is the most amazing love story I’ve ever heard. There’s ...
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Is Church History Dull? Not anymore!!!

Is Church History Dull? Not anymore!!!

 Do you think Church history is dull? It's okay to admit it! But here are a few facts that might liven it up a little: Feeling pent up in the Vatican, Pope John Paul II used to sneak out to ski and hike in the Italian Alps. He did it over a hundred times before being discovered by a 10-year-old boy who pointed at him and shouted, "The pope! The pope!" The only Christian church in existence for the first 1,000 years of Christian history was the Roman Catholic Church. Most ...
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Fr. Greg: How the Spiritual Exercises Foster Personal Sanctity

Fr. Greg: How the Spiritual Exercises Foster Personal Sanctity

Note: We’ve been talking recently about Ignatian spirituality, and today we’re bringing you the first in a series by Fr. Greg Cleveland, OMV, the director of the Lanteri Center for Ignatian Spirituality in Denver, Colorado.The charism of my congregation and our founder, Venerable Bruno Lanteri, is to proclaim the mercy of God, especially through parish missions and retreats. We are graced with the mysticism of St. Ignatius and his Spiritual Exercises, which lead people thro...
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