Prayer for America

Prayer for America

Blessed Lord, whose love knows no national boundary
We pray to you today for our nation:
Help us to celebrate what is good and strong and just
Help us to reject what is divisive and unfair.
Give us the understanding that everything about America—
Its land, its people, its history, its future
Are all treasures to be loved,
Not belongings to be hoarded.

Blessed Lord, whose love transcends time and space
We pray to you today for our nation:
For our cities that teem with movement and life
For our fields that offer peace and grace
For our people who have come from
Every other country on the planet
Whose lives are now entwined together
Who share the land, the hope, the dream.

Blessed Lord, whose love is in the darkest of nights
We pray to you today for our nation:
For those who serve it, in wartime and in peace
Help those who protect from flood and fire
From disaster and violence, who staff
Hospitals and schools and churches:
Be their strength, their vision, and their solace.

Blessed Lord, whose love is ever fresh and ever new
We pray to you today for our nation:
Help us live up to its highest ideals
And never allow it to aspire to anything less.
Give our country peace; let us live in joy
Give our country wisdom; let us live in faith
Bless everyone who celebrates today
A nation with generosity of spirit
And grace of purpose: Amen.

by Jeannette de Beauvoir



