Archive by year: 2016Return
Back to School: Four Ways to Keep God in the Equation

Back to School: Four Ways to Keep God in the Equation

Back-to-school time can feel overwhelming for everyone—kids, parents, teachers. And it’s easy for our spiritual lives to get lost in the scuffle of new clothes, misplaced notebooks, and sports schedules. Here are some ways to make sure that you keep God in the mix:  Start your day together with prayer. Yes, mornings are hectic, but remember that the crazier they feel, the more you need prayer! It doesn’t have to be long—just a simple thoughtful Our Father is fine&mda...
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Webathon Novena 2016: Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots

Webathon Novena 2016: Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots

Have you ever noticed how just when you’re ready to sink your teeth into a project you’ve wanted to do forever, something else gets in the way? Well, maybe not every time, but it happens often enough! That happened to us: just as we were planning an upcoming project for the Webathon, here’s what got in the way…The generator that serves the entire motherhouse and publishing house during power failures… died.This past year at the motherhouse we experienced repeated ...
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Webathon Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots

Webathon Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots

So for our Webathon Novena this year we will be taking our knots—and yours—to Mary, trusting that she will help us undo the longstanding problems that cause us so much suffering and concern.We want you to join us for this novena on October 5th. Here’s what you’ll get: You will receive a short daily email You can tune in to a live broadcast of the novena prayers of the day at noon or 8:00 in the evening at You’ll find yourself in solidari...
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New Coloring Books Are Aids to Prayer and Meditation

New Coloring Books Are Aids to Prayer and Meditation

Pauline Books & Media introduces opportunities to “color in” stained glass windows from Chartres and Marian images in a new line of adult Catholic coloring booksBOSTON, MA, August 15, 2016: Two new licensed projects by Pauline Books & Media will be published September 1st: Our Lady’s Garden by Brazilian illustrator Veruschka Guerra, and a book of stained glass from Chartres entitled Windows into Christ, the publishing house announced today.Our Lady’s Garden: A Col...
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Pauline Books & Media Titles Recognized by Association of Catholic Publishers

Pauline Books & Media Titles Recognized by Association of Catholic Publishers

BOSTON, MA, May 20, 2016: Two titles by Pauline Books & Media have been selected by the Association of Catholic Publishers for the 2016 Excellence in Publishing Awards, the Boston-based publisher announced today.Oscar Romero: Prophet of Hope (Roberto Morozzo della Rocca) was recognized in the biography category, while Everybody Has a Body (Monica Ashour) won an award in the children’s category.The goal of the awards is to recognize the best in Catholic publishing. “We’re de...
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Thank you for last year's Webathon!

We have finished moving into the Promised Land thanks to you! Please accept our gratitude.
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Please let us know what you think!

Please let us know what you think!

Here at Pauline Books and Media we're committed to working with you in exploring what will most help you on your walk of Christian discipleship in a changing world. That's why we're thinking about doing some sort of project that would help Catholics feel more confident in explaining to others the Church's teaching on same-sex attraction. We need your input to know what would be most helpful. to you. Would you be willing to give us your advice and answer the questions be...
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Sr. Maria Grace needs your advice (please!)

Sr. Maria Grace needs your advice (please!)

For four delightful years, I worked in our Pauline Books & Media bookcenter in Alexandria, Virginia. My favorite part of being in the bookcenter was helping people on the floor. I realized that by listening to people and asking them questions, I could find just the right book, resource, or gift item that they needed for themselves or for a family member, student, or friend. The longer I worked in the bookcenter, the more familiar I became with all the great Catholic material that’s ava...
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Stories of the Lives of Others Can Change Our Hearts

Stories of the Lives of Others Can Change Our Hearts

Our world values what is slick and sleek, racing past the present to try out whatever is the next great thing. It is at polar opposites from the thoughtful, reverent listening that Pope Francis counsels us to develop in order to connect with our loved ones, our grandparents, and all those men and women who have lived and loved and have so much to share with us. But how do we go about getting them to share with us? First, on our part, we need to reflect that taking the time and sharing ...
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I Need Your Advice (please!)

I Need Your Advice (please!)

So, a lot of you have gotten to know me over the years through articles of spirituality and inspiration, and thoughtful advice for living with faith in today’s world.This short article is a bit different.I want to pull back the curtain a little and share something more personal. Here goes.These past few years I’ve been struggling through some midlife self-doubt and life reflection. It has been painful, as it is I’m sure in some way for everyone. The challenges that usher us int...
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