Sr. Maria Grace needs your advice (please!)

Sr. Maria Grace needs your advice (please!)

For four delightful years, I worked in our Pauline Books & Media bookcenter in Alexandria, Virginia. My favorite part of being in the bookcenter was helping people on the floor. I realized that by listening to people and asking them questions, I could find just the right book, resource, or gift item that they needed for themselves or for a family member, student, or friend. The longer I worked in the bookcenter, the more familiar I became with all the great Catholic material that’s available, and the better I was at fulfilling the requests of those who came in. It was very satisfying to see people happy with the books or DVDs or gift items that they obtained from our bookcenter.

The only frustrating thing was—sometimes I could not find anything to fill a particular need. Either there was no book on a certain topic, or the person had read the little that was available and was looking for more. Or perhaps the resources available were addressed to a different audience or age level than what was required.

Now that I’m back working in our publishing house, I think back to the needs that were not satisfied, and I want to see about filling in some of these gaps. Could you please help me by answering just a few questions about your areas of interest? That would really help me alot.

Sr. Maria Grace Dateno, FSP





Living the Faith Today, Inspiration, Publishing House
