Archive by tag: mediaReturn
First Annual World Communications Day Mass for Media Professionals

First Annual World Communications Day Mass for Media Professionals

Come Celebrate with Us!Sunday, May 17, 2:00 pm at the Boston Motherhouse Chapel of the Daughters of St. Paul You’ve heard of the Red Mass for lawyers, right? And the Blue Mass for police officers? These are usually celebrated annually by a diocese for all Catholics in that profession. We Daughters of St. Paul think there should be an equivalent for media professionals, but since most U.S. dioceses don’t have one (as far as we know), we decided to take matters into our own hands. We can pick a ...
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Why You Should See the Blessed James Alberione Movie

Why You Should See the Blessed James Alberione Movie

Blessed James Alberione is definitely someone whose story you want to know. Why?Because he's the first priest to so clearly see how the media are tremendous gifts for bringing the world to Christ and Christ to the world that he actually did something about it: he founded two religious congregations dedicated exclusively to communicating Christ.Because his spirituality is not abstract or esoteric, but for real people living real lives today.And because this is how three recent Popes have talked a...
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What makes a compelling Christmas movie—the season, the music, the characters? Maybe it is something else entirely.

What makes a compelling Christmas movie—the season, the music, the characters? Maybe it is something else entirely.

The question of what makes a movie ideal for Christmas, the day we commemorate and celebrate Jesus’ birth, is subjective. It often depends completely on the audience—among my Facebook friends, for instance, the 1988 thriller Die Hard came out as an unlikely favorite when I recently posted this question. But come to think of it, John McTiernan’s action movie starring Bruce Willis has all the right elements: It starts at a Christmas party and includes danger, a pregnant woman, bad guys, reconci...
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