The True Devotion to Mary

The True Devotion to Mary

To live by means of Mary means to accept the “means” through which the Mother of Jesus experienced the Son being formed in her womb. This is the first step of true devotion; without it the others are not possible. This means, which always formed and accompanied Mary, is the Holy Spirit. To live alongside Mary means not to choose any other light but that of the Consoler. The Spirit who descended upon her at the annunciation is the same One who works in me and who wants to generate a new self. Here we touch a delicate point in the spiritual life: many people believe that to live in the Spirit means simply to do good. But this is not enough. To truly live in the Spirit, we need to be directed to choosing what is more pleasing to God and more perfect for me (see Rom 12:2), not simply what is good. Some persons may be great ascetics, others completely given to prayer, while others may serve the poor or teach theology. But if one does not keep their ears open with right intention to the suggestions of the Spirit, he or she will inevitably sadden the Spirit (see Eph 4:30). The great conversion of our Christian existence lies in resolving to follow the Spirit, in making ourselves his servants, in choosing what he suggests to us. By means of Mary, we live through the Spirit who possessed and moved her.

--Giuseppe Forlai, Mary, Mother of Apostles

















