Gabriel's Message (Basque Carol)

Gabriel's Message (Basque Carol)

“The angel of the Lord appeared to [Joseph] in a dream and said, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home. For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her. She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.’ All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: ‘Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,’ which means ‘God is with us’.” (Mt 1:20-23)

Gabriel's Message (Basque Carol)

On the 4th Sunday of Advent in lectionary Year A, we hear the account of the Annunciation to Joseph. It was through Joseph that Jesus could be called by the royal title, Son of David. In the Rosary, we are accustomed to meditate on the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to Mary as found in the Gospel of Luke. That Annunciation, rather than this Sunday's Gospel text, is the basis for a lovely carol from the Basque country, where the original title is Birjana gaztetto bat zegoen.

Why not sing Gabriel's Message as your Angelus prayer today at noon? 

Sister Anne Flanagan is a singer with the Daughters of St Paul Choir.

Minutes after recording Gabriel's Message, the Daughters of St Paul Choir gather behind the sound engineer in the control room of the Pauline studio to listen to how it turned out.

Sheet music for Gabriel's Message:

The Angel Gabriel: Kings College, Cambridge:

Gabriel's Message (Public Domain)

The angel Gabriel from heaven came,
his wings as drifted snow, his eyes as flame;
"All hail", said he, "thou lowly maiden Mary,
most highly favoured lady." Gloria.

“For know a blessed Mother thou shalt be
all generations laud and honor thee.
Thy son shall be Emmanuel by seers foretold,
most highly favoured lady." Gloria.

Then gentle Mary meekly bowed her head.
“To me be as it pleaseth God,” she said.
“My soul shall laud and magnify His holy Name.”
Most highly favored lady. Gloria.

Of her, Emmanuel, the Christ, was born
in Bethlehem all on a Christmas morn.
And Christian folk throughout the world shall ever say,
“Most highly favored lady. Gloria.”





