Sr. Rose Pacatte hosts the Turner Classic Movies Series Condemned

Sr. Rose Pacatte hosts the Turner Classic Movies Series Condemned

Beginning Thursday, March 3, Sr. Rose Pacatte, the founding Director of the Pauline Center for Media Studies in Culver City, CA, will be providing introductions and commentary on a series of films for Turner Classic Movies (TCM) entitled “Condemned.” While the title is provocative, the subject consists of films that were condemned by the Catholic Legion of Decency between the years 1933 – 1965.

TCM reached out to Sr. Rose to host the series. Taking a cue from Pope Francis to move out to the peripheries to where the Church is seldom if ever present, the Daughters of St Paul felt it worth the risk to give the Church a voice in this series, showing how the 20th century Church attempted to engage the world of media in a serious way and how its approach has evolved through the years. The Church continues to take media seriously, as Sister Rose's introductions and conclusions for the TCM series will demonstrate.

In no way does Sr. Rose’s participation in TCM’s series represent endorsement of the films. While some of the titles remain historically significant and even inspiring,  others fall short of the mark. Sr. Rose’s commentary is a reminder of what it takes to be an informed and critical user of all media.

For more information, click here.





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