Called to be Saints and Apostles: All of Us! Webathon Novena Day 2

Called to be Saints and Apostles: All of Us! Webathon Novena Day 2

   "...pray for us, so that the word of the Lord may speed forward and be glorified, as it did among you" (2 Thess 3:1).

For the Chosen People, the Promised Land was move-in ready, “with houses you did not build and olive groves you did not plant” (see Dt. 6:11). Our “Promised Land” (a former warehouse) needs a bit of attention in order to be outfitted for the needs of our mission. We're on the move already! With a daily goal of $4,500, we hope that during this Webathon Novena, you can help us get to the Promised Land!

For Blessed James Alberione, the most important thing for those first Pauline brothers and sisters to know was not that they were called to a fascinating and necessary work for the Church: their first call was to holiness of life, to real sanctity. "Sanctity is a magnet that attracts, and it attracts especially the pure and innocent of heart."

"I am reading the life of that adventurous missionary, St. Francis Xavier," the Founder wrote in 1924. "I can tell you that more than half of you are destined to do the good he did; or three times that, or even more. What wonderful things Jesus has in his heart! Wonders of love and of grace, of vocations! The Lord wishes to give us things that I do not believe you are ready to hear about yet..."

This call to holiness was not limited to the members or to an elite. Alberione gave special priority to the spiritual formation of the lay people who collaborated in his media ministry. There were those who contributed by writing articles and even books; others donated household goods (or even a house!) or gave of their time, some by assisting with proofreading and distribution of literature, others by feeding the devout (but typically famished) teenaged aspirants who set the type and ran the secondhand presses. It was all ministry, all "apostolate," a way of preaching the Gospel, and in this media mission, it was crucial that the apostles themselves be saints in the making. There could be no split between living the Gospel and proclaiming it.

During his intense visit to the United States, Pope Francis kept repeating the call to "Go out!" We are told the same thing at the end of Sunday Mass: "Go forth!" Transformed by the Eucharist, we are all meant to radiate Jesus wherever we go. Your support during this Webathon is one way you can do just that. God bless you for helping us bring the light of the Word of God to the "peripheries" where the Church's ordinary forms of ministry may not penetrate. Through you, the Word of the Lord can "speed on and triumph" (cf. 2 Thess. 3:1)!


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Join us in today's prayer that the media will be used more and more to promote all that is true, good, and beautiful. We'd love for you to share this page with others!


Prayer for Proclaiming Christ through the Media Arts


Lord of all our hopes,

you are the Living One who conquered death

and sent your Spirit to renew all things.

You guide the way of all men and women

who journey through history,

and you sustain the commitment of all those

who participate in the creative work

of renewing the universe.

We offer you, Lord,

the joys and successes of all your children

committed to the various fields of social communications.

We present their constant search for you

so that they may proclaim you

in truth, justice, freedom, and love.

Lord, guide those who use the various media arts

to open new horizons of hope, of true life,

of solidarity, of communication, and of communion.

With hope we look forward to a new world,

which you call us to build through our work as evangelizers.

We pray that our efforts may contribute

to building a world of peace and unity.

God of salvation, love, and hope,

enfold all who search for you

in your most tender embrace.


©2015, Daughters of St Paul. Excerpted from Live Christ! Give Christ! Prayers for the New Evangelization(Pauline Books & Media, Boston).


Download a printable version of the prayer!


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Would you rather write a check?

Make it out to Daughters of St. Paul. Send it to Webathon c/o Sr. Margaret Edward Moran, 50 St. Paul’s Ave., Boston, MA 02130. To donate by phone call 1-800-836-9723. 10am to 5pm EST. Thank you and God bless you.

Your Deceased Loved Ones Will Be Remembered in a Novena of Masses:
November 9 to November 18 in Our Motherhouse Chapel in Boston.


Photo of Pope Francis in Philadelphia by Jeffrey Bruno. Used with permission (and gratitude!).



