Retreats for Women

Retreats for Women

Sr. Nancy Usselmann’s Retreats for Women 

Sr. Nancy has been a Daughter of St. Paul for over 25 years. In her retreat she offers women the fruit of her own prayer and spirituality in an accessible and inspirational way. 

Light of Faith: Courage of the Feminine Genius (women's retreat) 
The Courage Within: A Film Retreat (women's retreat)

Sr. Nancy Usselmann is a Media Literacy Education Specialist with a bachelor's in Communications Arts and is in the process of completing her Masters in Theology and the Arts from Fuller Theological Seminary. For 25 years she has worked in numerous areas of media production, administration and management, while also giving workshops to youth, young adults, catechists and ministers on media mindfulness and faith formation. She has also organized and given several film retreats--a way of praying with the medium of film. She had the opportunity to attend the Sundance Independent Film Festival in Salt Lake City, Utah as part of her study on theology and film. For her, movies, music and digital media provide the opportunity for engaging the popular culture with the Gospel message.  

How to contact Sr. Nancy Usselmann to schedule a Media Literacy presentation:



