Evening Bells: A Call to Prayer with the Angels

Evening Bells: A Call to Prayer with the Angels

A church bell is rung to signify the hour or the time for worshippers to stop and pray. In many Catholic churches, the ringing of a church bell for the Angelus prayer, morning, midday and evening, is called the Angelus bell. 

Morning, noon and evening bells were influenced by the Jewish practice of praying to the Lord three times a day. This practice is found in the Old Testament; for example in Psalm 55:17, which suggests "praying, morning, noon and evening," and in Daniel 6:10 (Daniel prayed three times a day).

Evening bells are still a common way for all the faithful to stop their busy lives for a moment to say a prayer, and remember the thought of Isaiah: “Be still, and know that I am God.”

Angels of heaven, guard us from the evil one and bring us to eternal life where we may praise the Lord with you forever.





