Archive by year: 2017Return
Saint Brigid: the Story of the Woman who is Patron of Ireland

Saint Brigid: the Story of the Woman who is Patron of Ireland

St. Brigid and St. Patrick are Ireland‘s two patron saints, and among the most famous. But whereas we know a lot about St. Patrick, we only have three contemporary sources of information about St. Brigid—and two of them contradict each other!That hasn’t stopped many people from being devoted to her. Here’s a beautiful prayer to St. Brigid:Brigid of the Mantle, encompass us,Lady of the Lambs, protect us,Keeper of the Hearth, kindle us.Beneath your mantle, gather us,And res...
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Seven Last Words: “Today you will be with me in Paradise."

Seven Last Words: “Today you will be with me in Paradise."

“I just can’t wait.” How many times do I say this? To be put on hold or made to wait unnecessarily because of some controlling tactic by another person is one of the most frustrating experiences in our lives. If you look up “Waiting is Deadly” on the Internet, the top matches are quotes from people trying to deal with government offices (no surprise there!), immigration visa departments, and especially from prisoners… and everyone I know has had been made a &...
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In Times of Trouble, Turn to God

In Times of Trouble, Turn to God

There is perhaps only one thing that people of all nations, all political parties, all beliefs, and all races can agree upon: the world is in turmoil. The planet may have already suffered irreversible damage. The situation in Syria is perhaps the worst humanitarian crisis of all time. The United States is so politically polarized that family members cannot speak civilly with each other. Children go to bed hungry, and people pass the homeless on the street with no more than a cursory glance. ...
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Pray to Your Father in Secret Lenten Book Club - Week 1

Pray to Your Father in Secret Lenten Book Club - Week 1

Week 1 of the weekly guide to the "Pray To Your Father in Secret" Lenten Book Club: Preface.
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Prayer and Fasting: More Than a Diet

Prayer and Fasting: More Than a Diet

This week we will solemnize the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday. Yes, a time for greater prayer and fasting.At first, we may think that it is time to cut down on food and one of our favorite treats. Yes, this or any other sacrifice that is close to your heart would be a good choice. We pray and fast in order to prove to Jesus how much we love him and to make reparation for our sins and the sins of the world.However, there are many ways a person can fast. I have my thoughts, words, actions a...
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Join us for our #PutOthersFirst hashtag challenge!

Join us for our #PutOthersFirst hashtag challenge!

At Advent, our hashtag challenge was #PutJesusFirst. For Lent our hashtag challenge is #PutOthersFirst. The traditional Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving all lead us to just this, to put others before ourselves, seeing in the other Jesus Christ himself. There are many ways to #PutOthersFirst. Throughout Lent we’ll be led by Scripture to come up with a variety of ways we can do this in our own families, where we work, with people we meet, those who need our help,...
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Pray to Your Father in Secret Lenten Book Club

Pray to Your Father in Secret Lenten Book Club

We invite you to join our Lenten Book Club led by Sr. Kathryn Hermes and Jeannette de Beauvoir.This Lent we’re reading and talking about a wonderful book, Pray to Your Father in Secret, by Father Jean Lafrance.Fr. Lafrance was a priest and highly sought-after retreat director. He saw that many people who made retreats with him were anxious to continue the experience on their own, while others, who weren’t able to go on retreat, wanted some of that experience for themselves. And so he...
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Seven Last Words: "Father, Forgive Them..."

Seven Last Words: "Father, Forgive Them..."

Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.  Luke 23:34We may have previously shared with you the words every Pauline religious sees daily surrounding the tabernacle in the community chapel. These words—Do not be afraid. I am with you. From here I want to enlighten. Be sorry for sin—were revealed to our founder, Blessed James Alberione, in what he called a “dream.”If we think of the last of those words, “Be sorry for sin,” we find ourselves grapp...
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Chocolate and Crucifixion

Chocolate and Crucifixion

And so the Church year turns again to Lent.It’s a tricky season to navigate. As Catholics, we’re called to penance as we contemplate the journey of Our Lord through betrayal by his friends all the way to his torture and death. But let’s face it: 40 days is a long time to keep doing anything, especially something that you don’t like to do.Catholics traditionally “give up” something for Lent. We return to meatless Fridays. We deprive ourselves of something that ...
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The Color and Melody of Prayer

The Color and Melody of Prayer

Anything that has been steeped in prayer takes on an aspect that wasn’t there before. Churches, for example, are just buildings… until the liturgy, music, prayer and people inhabit the space—and sanctify it. Rosary beads are pretty things until they have been blessed and have slipped through the fingers of the person praying them.Objects, we might say, are transformed through prayer.And not just objects. Everyone’s been transported through beautiful music, but even the m...
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