Archive by year: 2013Return
Psalm 31: Prayer and Praise for Deliverance in Intercession for Peace

Psalm 31: Prayer and Praise for Deliverance in Intercession for Peace

Let us pray for the President and world leaders as the situation regarding Syria proceeds. Let us pray with great faith in the mercy of God who alone can create the peace the world and each of us longs for. The situation is so befogged by lack of clarity and conflicting assertions of the facts and possible consequences. Let us call upon the Spirit to enlighten all with wisdom. May the angels who announced the birth of the Prince of Peace, melt the pride and fear that could lead to decisions that...
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Prayer for Peace in Syria

Prayer for Peace in Syria

Prayer and Intercession for Peace in SyriaGod of Compassion, Hear the cries of the people of Syria Comfort those who suffer violence Console those who mourn the dead Give strength to Syria’s neighbouring countries to welcome the refugees Convert the hearts of those who have taken up arms And protect those who are committed to peace.God of hope, Inspire leaders to choose peace over violence and to seek reconciliation with their enemies Inflame the Universal Church with compassion for the people ...
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Best-Selling Author J. Brian Bransfield Publishes Third Title With Pauline Books & Media

Best-Selling Author J. Brian Bransfield Publishes Third Title With Pauline Books & Media

September 1, 2013 (Boston) — Pauline Books & Media is pleased to announce the release of Meeting Jesus Christ: Meditations on the Word by Reverend Monsignor J. Brian Bransfield, author of the best-selling The Human Person: According to John Paul II (Pauline Books & Media, 2010) and Living the Beatitudes: A Journey to Life in Christ (Pauline Books & Media, 2011).Monsignor J. Brian Bransfield is a priest of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia who serves as the Associate General Secretary ...
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What do you know about the angels?

What do you know about the angels?

Who taught you about your guardian angel? Have you had any experiences with the protective care of an angel in your own life? Do you teach your kids about their guardian angels? Do you pray to the angels for special needs? "Our community has guardian angels who we traditionally call "men in grey." They turn up whenever one of the sisters needs help. It is interesting to listen to the stories of sisters from all over the world. When my parents were helping our sisters move in to their new convent...
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A Fire that Needs to Burn Brightly

A Fire that Needs to Burn Brightly

In the twelfth chapter of the Gospel of Luke, Jesus says, “I have come to set the world on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!” (Lk 12:49) Jesus doesn’t mince words here. Jesus is calling his disciples to be pyromaniacs! Of course, Jesus isn’t asking his followers to burn down buildings. He is looking for people who, everywhere they go, are ready and willing to spark fires for the glory of God. For instance, Saint Paul became a brilliant light for Christ after his conversion on th...
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Memorial Video for Sr. Susan Helen

Memorial Video for Sr. Susan Helen

When a member of our community passes into eternity, there is a great joy mixed with the sorrow of our loss. Sr. Susan Helen, with whom we had lived and shared the mission for many years, died on August 18, 2013. A Daughter of St. Paul known for her passion for evangelization and reaching every person with the Word of God, Sr. Susan was for many of us a teacher and mentor, and for all of us a sister. We share with you the eulogy from her funeral, given by Sr. Margaret Edward, FSP. You will also ...
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Sr. Susan Helen - Still Among Us

Sr. Susan Helen - Still Among Us

Tomorrow the long line of Pauline sisters, family and friends wound its way down the hill behind our publishing house to the mausoleum to lay to rest our dear sister, Susan Helen Wallace. Tonight, in a few hours of silent waiting, I cherish my memories of this sister whom we all love.Sr. Susan, endearingly  nicknamed Auntie by the community, had for almost thirty years been a member of the publishing house of the Daughters of St. Paul as a writer and editor. Her books for children and Basic...
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A Profound Encounter with Jesus Christ

A Profound Encounter with Jesus Christ

We’ve heard it a thousand times: “Go out to all the world and tell the good news” (Mark 16:15). But what is this “Good News” that we are supposed to be proclaiming? At the heart our Catholic Faith is all about Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, who loves us and for us was born, lived, died and is risen. In his forthcoming book Meeting Jesus Christ: Meditations on the Word, Monsignor J Brian Bransfield shows us how Jesus invites each of us to a personal relationship of discipleship. As we...
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November 4, 2013:

November 4, 2013: "Mourning and weeping in this valley of tears..."

5 tips for flourishing in adversity (Classic Wisdom from Thomas à Kempis)For information on how to attend a Monday Night Blessings Drop-in Seminar click hereIt is good for us sometimes to have troubles and adversities, for they cause us to look within and recognize that we too are exiles, whose hopes should not be centered on anything in this world. It is good that we sometimes suffer contradictions and that others have the wrong opinion of us, even when our intentions are good. These thi...
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Graphic Novels of Saints Inspire Kids

Graphic Novels of Saints Inspire Kids

Heroes are a part of every child's life. As parents we watch over who our kids choose as friends and heroes because we know they will influence our children's attitudes and choices for years to come. That's why it's ideal to introduce kids to the saints. The women and men who for centuries have walked the path of Jesus and served others in the world in so many different ways fire children's imaginations and inspire their hearts to great and wholesome goals! We can find the lives of the...
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